I would actually advise using Heve if possible so that if you go the full DP build you can make use of the set bonsus.Click image to view largerEvasion Hybrid â [LINK]Here is an evasion and AP hybrid. The liverto has slightly more AP than Rosar, but it also has a Critical Hit Rate +3 item effect. There are a lot of choices available when it comes to accessories and it really depends on what you can get your hands on. [C]. Lets use a table to sort BDO Grinding Spots by Level, AP, DP, Silver per hour, and Experience. You should reform the mainhand weapon to ultimate to complete crystal bonuses because you will get +1 Attack/Cast speed. 62000. This skill has super armor and will also debuff your enemies hit with an All DP -10% debuff for 10 seconds. You can probably figure out where to go from here! This skill has forward guard and also has an All DP -10% debuff for 10 seconds to enemies on hit. This item can be enhanced and has lower base stats than the Canon Sol, but once enhanced it quickly outscales the Canon Sol in the item effects and AP. Don’t use the ones in the picture, they’re just placeholders for now. Keys in round brackets () mean that you hold the key. This skill gives you Combat EXP +300% from Gathering. 62000. Pre-Awakening skill build â Level 55 (449 skill points): https://bdocodex.com/us/skillcalc/91871PVX Awakening skill build â Level 60 (869 skill points): https://bdocodex.com/us/skillcalc/93936. Otherwise use Bares Necklace for 4 AP and enhance this to DUO/TRI for 8 AP/10 AP. This weapon can be bought from a Blacksmith and will give you 18 â 22 AP as well as a lot of accuracy. You could also just buy one for very cheap. The skill costs stamina and can be used to regen your mana. Giath’s Helmet – Easy to get and least important bonuses so it’s on the bottom of the list. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact us directly via email at [email protected] or using the contact form on our About Us page. Blackstar is considered the current best in slot mainhand weapon with higher base AP than Kzarka. This skill is your burst heal skill. The Shop function allow you to purchase buffs that increase your AP against monsters +10 for 20 minutes and your skill XP gain for 10% for 20 minutes for 250k silver each. It can pull a maximum of 10 targets, requires 200 stamina to use, and has a cooldown of 15 seconds. 27: Learn about the people of Florin village. Liverto – Use your green weapon until you switch to Kzarka. The full set will give you Maximum MP/WP/SP +100, Maximum HP +200, Max Stamina +200, Attack Speed +1, Casting Speed +1, Movement Speed +1 and All Resistances 5%. This skill does not do any damage. The weapon is also harder to enhance so most players only switch to Blackstar once they already have TET Kzaraka and very high AP with no easier upgrades. Kzarka Florang Kzarka is the main weapon you will be using. You also have super armor while using the skill. 62000. This offhand is currently not recommended on Shai because of their reduced damage in PVP. The skil will also knock targets off their mount. Unlike other classes, Shai does not have a dandelion weapon and cannot open awakening boxes. The skill also has super armor on it whilst you are playing the instrument and you can also move your character while channelling the skill. The Kutum vitclari can also be modified using an Inverted Hearth of Garmoth to give extra stats (Max HP +150, Max Stamina +100, Special Attack Evasion Rate +10%). The skill has a cooldown of 50 seconds. This skill has 100% Accuracy Rate and will debuff up to 10 nearby enemies with Cricital Hit Rate -50% and Movement Speed -10% for 20 seconds. This offhand is currently not recommended on Shai because of their reduced damage in PVP. 62000. The only way to recieve another Artina Sol is to compelete the Talent quests on a fresh Shai character, so you will need to use memory fragments to repair this item. You can use other green grade helmets and gloves but these 2 items will also give you a set bonus. Lets use a table to sort BDO Grinding Spots by Level, AP, DP, Silver per hour, and Experience. It has comparable stats to boss armor and also a very useful set effect that gives Damage Reduction and Hidden AP. This skill has super armor and must be channelled for 10 seconds. You can use other green grade helmets and gloves but these 2 items will also give you a set bonus.For your accessories, you should prioritize Centaurus Belt, Bensho Necklace, Manos Earrings, and finally Cadry Rings last. You can also choose to enhance this skill by taking the 3rd rank of the skill (III) but you will not be able to take the 3rd rank in Shout to the Sky, Sun, Moon, Stars or Time to Shine!. These skills can be chained together smoothly without cancelling the animation of the flute playing. You can move your character while channelling the skill. for self, Critical Hit Rate +30% for 9 sec. As well as this, a DP +10 for 10 seconds buff will be applied to yourself, as well as a DP -10 for 10 sec debuff to enemies (PVP only). Enhancing this skill will increase the Black Spiritâs Rage Recovery to 0.45% for 20 seconds, and it will also reduce the skill cooldown to 40 seconds. Tungrad Earrings are one of the best earrings you can get. The full set will give you Maximum MP/WP/SP +100, Maximum HP +200, Max Stamina +200, Attack Speed +1, Casting Speed +1, Movement Speed +1 and All Resistances 5%. This skill gives Alchemy EXP +1% each time you level it up. © 2021 Black Desert Foundry. This is also your 200% Black Spirit Rage skill, which adds super armor to the skill and instead will heal by 500 HP every second for 10 seconds. 《美麗日報》堅持維護新聞倫理觀,在發揮媒體傳播功能的同時,堅持為社會樹立正確導向。我們希冀匯聚良善的力量,傳遞正面能量,促進人們的相互理解和尊重。 Investing in this set may slow you down in your progression towards softcap, but is much cheaper once you factor in repairing and enhancing. The Shai class is completely unique class in BDO and is the only full support class. It has a 10 minute cooldown and will fake your death as well as giving you invincible for 2 seconds. 6-Piece Set Bonus: Attack +10Accuracy 2Hidden Evasion 1, Accuracy 1 (alternating)DP 1 (alternating). The skill is useful if you are using your shai as a lifeskill character. The skill has a cooldown of 15 seconds. Offin Tett can be good when you reach certain AP brackets and if your class doesnât depend on accuracy as much as others, but if youâre unsure whether you should be using this weapon or not, itâs much safer to just use Kzarka. It has floating on good hits and also recovers some mana. Unlike other classes, Shaiâs awakening is a âSolâ which summons various instruments for her to play, to buff allies and debuff her enemies. I Terms and Conditions I Privacy Policy I Manage Cookie Settings I About Us. This skill is a small dash and can be used in any direction using [SHIFT] and a directional key. Dmitry Slovogorodsky This skill will buff yourself and up to 10 allies with Attack/Casting/Movement Speed +5% for 30 seconds. The weapon cannot be enhanced with Caphras stones though. bykovas You can also use this skill from a hotkey whilst in awakening to instantly swap back to pre-awakening safely. 62000. This includes best in slot items. If you’re going pretty casual and aren’t terribly interested in PvP, you can stick with DUO armor. Kutum is currently preferred for the extra DP.Awakening Weapons: Unlike other classes, Shai does not have a dandelion weapon and cannot open awakening boxes. Slash This website is not affiliated with Kakao Games or Pearl Abyss. ... I start with a level 1 character. I would recommend getting it to TRI at most and then you really want to switch to Kzarka. 31: Complete [Daily] Falasi Family's Kindness. For example, [Q] means you tap Q once. The skill has invincible on it whilst you are dashing but this does not apply if the skill is used whilst on cooldown. You also get a movement speed buff when using it and there is no collision whilst moving. Basiliskâs Belt and Valtarra are very good belts but Tungrade is currently the best in slot. Use items from the hybrid builds and slowly transition to full DP.Click image to view larger. This skill is a strong heal for yourself and up to 10 allies. Danmarks største sortiment med plakater, posters, rammer, spejle og album. Keys separated by a â>â symbol show the order you should follow out the steps. Liverto FlorangLiverto is the fourth strongest mainhand and much easier to obtain and enhance than Kzarka. Keys in square brackets [] mean that you tap the key. You can also use any other green grade helmet. The skil will also knock targets off their mount. Accessories – Whatever you can find off the ground or from random boxes. Required skills: Hop, Swing Swing, Tuck-and-Roll, (HOLD SHIFT) + (HOLD W) + (HOLD LMB) > (HOLD SHIFT) + (HOLD W) + (HOLD LMB) > (HOLD SHIFT) + (HOLD W) > (W) + (F), This combo will keep you in invicible/super armor as much as possible and can be repeated.Required skills: Hop, One-Two-Three, This combo is a faster transition into One-Two-Three. The benefits from Liverto can also be killed by narrower crystal choices (class dependent). Some other classes may use other offhands and you could start out with those, but the accuracy/DP you get from those don’t help you level as much as AP offhands. At level 56, Shai unlocks their âawakeningâ talents. There is a 3 second cooldown on this skill which cannot be ignored. The skill has a cooldown of 6 seconds. Source: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcO-TjLkDNzvYrlPkOHgnfA. It will also reduce the skill cooldown to 40 seconds. It costs 2.5 mil and lasts 1 week. It has a cooldown of 4 seconds but you can use the skill off cooldown. Gather Around! Liverto. This skill heals yourself and up to 10 allies for HP Recover +150 per 3 sec while the skill is being channelled. The skill gives an All AP +10 buff to yourself and allies for 30 seconds. Itâs also very important to note that this skill can be used during some awakening skills whilst you are channelling (such as Shout to the Sky) and you will continue to play the song automatically when you finish dashing. The skill does not work against monsters but can trick enemy players into thinking you died. Seremela Breaking the 300hp Asula bonus is kind of bad, but each of these upgrades are 300-500m if bought on bid. I also highly recommend looking at as many different sources as possible and gathering as much information as you can about your class before deciding what is best for you and how you play. Teff Bread x4, Pickled Vegetables x2, Lion Meat x4, Nutmeg x3, Ignores All Resistance +3%, Critical Hit Damage +5% for 110 minutes, Decrease of damages from Monsters -6% for 110 minutes. You can also use this skill from a hotkey whilst in awakening to instantly swap back to pre-awakening safely. The next step is to start looking for boss gear from places like bosses, daily/weekly scroll bosses, night vendor, or market. This is your auto attack skill with your Florang. This skill is known as the âShai Protective Area (PA)â or âShai bubbleâ. I would recommend getting it to TRI at most and then you really want to switch to Kzarka. The skill also inflicts stiffness to enemies if used off cooldown. Primary Weapons:Rosar FlorangThe Rosar Florang is what you should be aiming for to level your character. 62000. The wall is also hard to see and most of the time can end up doing more damage to your allies, as well as the range being quite small, making it hard for you to successfully catch someone in it. Another advantage of using this set is that it is viable on any class, allowing you to swap to another class easily. .tg th{font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:normal;padding:18px 13px;border-style:solid;border-width:0px;overflow:hidden;word-break:normal;}
This is a Zereth chestpiece, Hercules helm, boots, and gloves. You could pick these up in any order, but above they are ordered by cost.. It canât be enhanced but it is a good alternative until you can get Ring of Crescent Guardian or Mark of Shadow to PRI/DUO.The current best in slot, is a Tungrad Ring.The Capotia Ring is also worth mentioning. You should really adapt the guide and follow your own instincts to match your play-style! This should get you to level 50/52. Attack against monsters +30 for 8 sec. This skill gives you Combat EXP +300% from Alchemy.Talent: Melody of Light You will also get higher Accuracy, Evasion and Damage Reduction from these pieces.In the mean time you should be using one of the following armor sets: A popular armor choice is to go full Grunil set because it increases your maximum HP and will give you 2 socket slots on each piece, along with extra AP +7 set bonus. Necklace:If available I recommend using the Asulaâs Crimon Eye Necklace (Asula Set) if you are new to the game, this gives you 11 AP and 3 DP as well as damage reduction and an amazing set bonus. The only way to recieve another Artina Sol is to compelete the Talent quests on a fresh Shai character, so you will need to use memory fragments to repair this item.Armor: The best armor in the game is currently dropped from Bosses. So really youâre actually losing damage overall since you wonât be hitting the enemy as much (unless they are full DR). The Kutum weapons also have a 10% ignore resistance. If you don’t have Kzarka, Bheg’s, and Dande, you should focus on getting them as well as other boss gear, and you can take a peek at the next page for the next accessories. The skill has a cooldown of 30 seconds. It has a Damage to All Species +10 and Attack Speed +3 item effect, as well as other bonuses when enhanced. For most classes, you will want an AP offhand. Marcel van Timmeren This combo is used for mobility. Offin Tett can be good when you reach certain AP brackets and if your class doesnât depend on accuracy as much as others, but if youâre unsure whether you should be using this weapon or not, itâs much safer to just use Kzarka.Blackstar Florang.