Bummer. Since I have a hard time with the note, Bottega Veneta being the only other way I can enjoy oakmoss, I'm very surprised I enjoy this. This is not sweet nor bitter in my skin, just clean, polished, classical. It's perfection ladies. Once I enter this dimension I never want to leave it. Overall, this perfume is simple and elegant, mature, I can understand how can some people adore it. It is a very unique and retro scent with a modern twist. Fruity jam, musky gardenia, and then dry oakmoss. Indeed, if you have owned Magie Noir by Lancome, Eau de Soir by Sisley or even Aromatics Elixir by Clinique you will feel that all the core elements of these creations can be found remixed in La Panthere. Yea !! This perfume is very far from what I typically gravitate towards (I'm mostly a floral/fruity/sweet girl), but it’s so incredibly beautiful!!! View Karl-Frédéric Anctil’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. And that bottle! Portfolio. Il fait édifier le fort de Charlesbourg-Royal au confluent du Saint-Laurent et la rivière du Cap-Rouge, pour préparer la colonisation. Roberval prend du retard dans l'organisation et Cartier s'impatiente puis décide de s'engager sur l'océan sans l'attendre. First case in my 20 year perfume usage practice, I use a fourth bottle of the same perfume - La Panthere. I must have a FB! Aussitôt arrivé en France, il fait expertiser le minerai, apprenant qu'il ne rapporte que de la pyrite et du quartz, sans valeur. I can fill my personal space with this mystic and magical elixir, and I will be happy every second I am wearing it. I got a sample of this and absolutely loved it. one of the best perfumes of the decade, it totally deserves its place in perfume hall of fame. Someone mentioned Narciso, which this is not reminding me of in the least. This! I love it and I hate it. My only - but massive - issue is with the projection and longevity. Arent kjetones what come off ypur breath in a diabetic emergency? Patchouli and Musk play the main roles in this perfume, that and the hard to find Gardenia, they blend perfectly. So fresh, so perfect, so teasing, so longlasting, so everything I love about a scent. It is a pity. Love it. Lol. It was my "go to". Sell! As for the fragrance, I am not a fan of too much oakmoss and that is normally a deal breaker for me in any fragrance, but this is a gem too good to pass up. For me it represents a lady who has authority and charm and grace at the same time. Not too sweet. Not often can I say this about a fragrance--but I loved Cartier La Panthere from the first spray. I really like it it's a very positive beautifull scent. Émilie Gilbert Designer … The oakmoss and leather really can make people sneeze who stand near to you. Similar to tiffany’s reformulation vibe. It smells familiar, like something from my childhood. (without having anything in common, of course). Architecte d’intérieur, je suis toujours heureuse de placer ma passion et mon savoir-faire au service de votre projet.Créons ensemble un lieu de vie ou de commerce à votre image.Valorisons durablement votre bien. Complex juice blasting open a sweet and dreamy flower arrangement and evolving into stages of translucent smoke and light.About four hours in you sense the wonders of this exquisite moss (unlike the cheap metallic moss base in the newest Jo Malone). It smelled great but an hour later no one could smell it on me when I went to my vet's office. One of my most commented on perfumes together with the Givencys and Guerlains. starts off a strong floral with slight fruitiness and citrus with a heavy underlying oakmoss. And definitely not mainstream. I received this as a gift years ago and didn't appreciate it at all! Rechercher chez R. Ignorer le contenu. I have tried all the Pantheres in the line (they were all from different reputable stores) and I also use the body lotion. Has a high end storefront kind of thing going on, where you feel like they spay this on $200 silk shirts. Ses restes sont retrouvés en 1949, lors de travaux dans la cathédrale de Saint-Malo[44]. Very different, a breathe of fresh air, very sophisticated and adult. it smells more like a rose/oakmoss/hint of YY on me. I cannot detect any fruity notes. Musky. It's really quite refreshing and am considering purchasing... La Panthere pulls off a MIRACLE by reproducing an authentic-smelling chypre using only modern ingredients not banned by IFRA. However I can't help but feel a bit self-conscious wearing them since I am only in my mid-twenties and I still feel those fragrances "wear" me instead of the other way around. I still feel I can't find the proper words to gather all its complexity here. I prefer this version to the "Legere" (2015) one. Patchouli, oak moss, leather...i dont know.. Kind of masculine combination. Narciso EDP gets the unisex label passed around(not sure about that but could be unisex). I think this fragrance is ok, but somehow I was expecting - more. DPD relais s’appuie sur le réseau Pickup constitué de plus de 6000 points relais en France sélectionnés sur des critères stricts comme l’amplitude horaire (98% des points sont ouverts le samedi) et l’espace de stockage dédié. I can't stop sniffing my wrist even though the slightly bitter opening kinda repulsed me for a second. Projection could be better too. Soon after the gardenia emerges and dominates the scent. If oakmoss scares you, this is a tame introduction. note. Today I(a man) accidentaly noticed that scent,and asked a lady in mid 40' what she was wearing?I told her that the scent is very pleasant,a little bit heavy,with retro vibe,but in a most positive way(I like retro perfumes)...So,here I am,searching on fragrantica what people say about this scent,and I can see that lots of women mention that retro vibe,too.Anyway,I like the scent very much and it is definitely for 30 or 35 plus women,but with an attitude,confident,maybe bussiness suit...really nice one from Cartier. Kind of a mature, well established, classy lady vibe. Nothing but sharp gardenia and citrus peel. The performance is monstrous and others will smell you coming and going. I sniffed away for at least a half hour before I could really find the leather note. absolutely well made. It is retro made modern. Sur ma peau c'est le sosie parfait de "Parfum de peau" de Montana. Now I have tried the original, and it is simply deeper and more rounded out (Legere is more creamy florals). I could not smell the edt at all, so I tried the edp. This is signature worthy for sure, we’ll see haha :). I would easily classify it as one of the scents closest to my liking, and the fact that whenever I wear it everyone is asking about what perfume it is..I hope it will stay around for a long time! I just adore it, it is light, clean, like spring water... sophysticated and refreshing, white flowers with the je ne sais quoi that makes it amazing. The gardenia edge remains throughout, on my skin. The only note that stands out in is rhubarb which again is timid. It is not for the meek, because you will be asked what you are wearing, and you will have to say "It's La Panthere by Cartier". En effet, sur une période s'étalant du 21 août 1510 au 17 novembre 1555, son nom est indiqué sur 58 actes de baptême, dont 35 où il apparaît comme parrain d’enfants[20]. The longevity and sillage are to die for and I have already ordered a small bottle of La Panthere. Chic...Romantiques. Ordre de la cour de Saint-Malo, daté du 19 mars 1534 (n. st.) transcrit dans Biggar, A Collections of Documents…. I have no idea where people are getting leather from here? It does blend well my body chemistry and was a must-buy for me. Sep 13, 2018 - Henri Cartier-Bresson from f/64, 1406 photos Bonus points for the cool bottle! I waited and waited, but they never showed up. Many have already commented on this, so I will put it this way. I'm certain on the right person it's amazing. Recourant à leurs connaissances, Cartier remonte alors le cours du Saint-Laurent, découvrant qu'il navigue sur un fleuve lorsque l'eau devient douce. Recherche par titre ou mots-clés. Ugh it reminds me of a pomade my brother used to use when he was very young. So I do think u have to be a musk-lover to appreciate. Et en ces deux ie trouve dela diÅ¿cordance en une chose , c'eÅ¿t qu'au premier voyage il eÅ¿t mentionné que ledit Quartier ne paÅ¿Å¿a point plus de quinze lieuës par delà le cap de Mont-morenci : & en la relation du Å¿econd il dit qu’il ramena en la terre de Canada qui eÅ¿t au- Nort ~de l‘ile d'Orleans à plus de huit vingt, « faute d’un équipage assez nombreux Â», « On lui attribue habituellement la découverte du Canada, désignant par là la mince région du, « Jacques Cartier a posé les bases de la littérature française d’Amérique avec ses récits de voyage, que l’on considère comme l’origine de notre corpus. Cartier La Panthère deo spray voor V... (. This is pure elegance, distinction, finesse. This is beautiful. Né en 1491[2] à Saint-Malo[3], il y meurt le 1er septembre 1557. Le 3 septembre il signale dans son journal de bord avoir aperçu des bélugas dans le fleuve[34]. Expérience . Équipe dédiée. Cartier, épargné, découvre que les Micmacs se soignent d'une infusion d'aiguilles et d'écorce d'« annedda Â», arbre dont l'identité exacte est inconnue à nos jours ; il pourrait s'agir de cèdre blanc d’Amérique, de pruche, de sapin baumier ou encore de pin[37],[38]. Quinze mois de vivres ont été prévus. Buy! La Panthere by Cartier is a Chypre Floral fragrance for women.La Panthere was launched in 2014. Not at all what I expected from the listed notes. The simple luxurious bottle of golden colors shows stylized face of panther, which gives the entire design a special signature and character. Le 12 juin, lors de la reconnaissance de nouveaux lieux et la dénomination de nouvelles rivières, Jacques Cartier et ses marins aperçurent, un peu à l'écart de la rivière qu'ils venaient de nommer Saint-Jacques, un grand navire originaire de La Rochelle, dont l'équipage, après une longue campagne de pêche à la morue, avait perdu son chemin au milieu des nombreuses îles du golfe du Saint-Laurent. Designer en horlogerie chez Cartier Genf und Umgebung, Schweiz 96 Kontakte. It lasts for hours, projects nicely, but not obnoxiously, and went through a nice transformation through the drydown. So to be confronted with this superbly crafted classic embodiment of elegance was an unexpected pleasure. It smells like a lady who doesn’t have giant lips, unnatural hips. Trouvez des textes de théâtre gratuits, des pièces de théâtre à télécharger gratuitement, des sketchs, des saynètes. Les textes des trois relations de Cartier et celle de Roberval, traduits de l'italien et de l'anglais, sont réunis pour la première fois en un tome publié à Québec en 1843. Son expertise s’étend également au milieu commercial, qui a beaucoup évolué au fil des ans. A musk forward scent that is earthy, sweet, rubbery. Not really smelling fruits or sweetness. When I am throught my 15ml of sample, I want to buy a full bottle. Finally, by drydown I could still smell a bit of gardenia, but the cedar or pine trees, or whatever it was, just ruined it. Le 2 octobre 1535, Jacques Cartier et ses compagnons arrivent dans la région du village iroquoien nommé Hochelaga. As expected from Cartier. i just did a review recently on the eau de toilette version & i just got the eau de parfum today & i am impressed again !!! I prefer the oakmoss in Chloe Nomade, and I love Cartier’s Baiser Vole. Wow is a powerhouse!! It exceeded my expectations. Strawberries, cherries and a flower's kiss in spring. 5, Mitsouko, Coco Chanel, etc. I was exepting something more sultry from this. Rich, mix of an expensive perfume with glossy paper. I‘m not and I really like this. somehow this is not exactly what i expected. Very luxurious, sophisticated, incredibly gorgeous; you feel you own something unique: a gem, a treasure. So that tells you, that while it's a great scent, especially for special occasions or nights out, it's not one I reach for. Wow this is such a long lasting scent...Chic, chypre, over 10 hrs in my skin! As has been said this is a floral chypre, but I just say its an abstract beauty. I do agree that it smells elegant and complex but after smelling this on a person I just thought it was obnoxious and too flowery. Cartier n'est peut-être pas l'auteur des Relations, dont les manuscrits originaux sont tous perdus[46]. I just wish it didn't have the damn dried fruit note that my skin projects during the dry down. I wish I could have smelled what other reviewers did, but no spices, no fruit, nothing but acetone. Sa mésaventure est à l'origine de l'expression « faux comme des diamants du Canada Â»â€¦ et du toponyme actuel, « cap Diamant Â», pour désigner l'extrémité est du promontoire de Québec. an absolute neatness. Have been neglecting to review items of my existing collection, as I said I would at the beginninig. What a bottle too! You won't forget this scent easily. Different strokes. I really wish I loved this, since the bottle looks amazing. Après un passage par Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, il retourne à Saint-Malo en juillet 1536, croyant avoir exploré une partie de la côte orientale de l'Asie. I am wearing this to blur gender lines. It has a mysterious elegant classic scent. My thoughts were, this probably smell like those Aldehyde powerhouse perfumes like Arome Elixir, Chanel No5 - Boucheron, Arpege by Lanvin. Designer Interieur chez Groupe Cartier Montreal, Quebec, Canada 500+ connections. Sometimes I have the feeling that "There's nothing new under the sun of perfumery", Summing it up, it's good. To me it smells like the most expensive powder /body lotion and I feel like I am a rich woman getting into her Bentley when I wear this. I am obsessed with this one. The rhubarb is immediate to my nose followed by the sweetness of strawberry and apricot, but then the gardenia makes itself known and sticks around long after the fruity aspects have dissipated, and all the while the dominant oak moss with a blend of musk hold down this magnificent creation! C’est en 1947 que l’histoire merveilleuse de la marque Cartier démarre. I feel sophisticated wearing this every time. Not bad but not unforgettable unique neither. At first I liked the legere version better, but now I am shifting towards the Original edp. The gorgeous bottle is a bonus! It has a definitivelly strong presence, for an over 35, confident woman...from suit to leather. It reminds me a lot of Aromatics Elixir from Clinique even though I think that Elixir is so much better, the moment I tested this that was the first think that came to my mind, I could'nt find anywhere strawberries, gardenia or any of the notes mentioned above. You'll get plenty of compliments and questions. It smells like good quality, though, if you really like white florals. If you‘re not into old school/vintage perfumes, don‘t be afraid. But loving the fragrance. I received a sample of this and I've been wearing La Panthere since yesterday. Maybe if you want a more full on feminine scent I’d go with this one. For me, this is the perfect modern take on the classic chypre structure. This quickly moved to my to five favorite fragrances. The leather note is very noticible to me. I tried the EDP and got an immediate blast of mossy overripe fruits (I was thinking mixed berries at the time) followed by bruised rose petals and yes, leather, lots of leather and musk!