Maila passed away on June 5 1960, at age 15. 1960. június 4-én, négy fiatal, Maila Irmeli Björklund (15), Anja Tuulikki Mäki (15), Seppo Antero Boisman (18), és Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson (18), kempingezni indultak az Espoo város határában található Bodom-tóhoz. Bodomské vraždy byla trojnásobná vražda, která se udála v jižním Finsku v roce 1960 u jezera Bodom ve městě Espoo, asi 22 km západně od Helsinek.V noci 4. června 1960 tábořili čtyři mladí lidé na břehu jezera, když neznámý vrah tři z nich zabil nožem a čtvrtého zranil. Obete. Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki were fifteen years old at the time; accompanying them were their eighteen-year-old boyfriends, Seppo Antero Boisman and Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson. Anja Tuulikki Mäki, 15 years old at time of death. Stabbed and bludgeoned . The Lake Bodom murders took place on June 4th, 1960 when four friends decided to go camping on the shore of Lake Bodom. Heikki Salonen was just an ordinary schoolboy. Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson (18 years old male) – SURVIVED . Between 4 am to 6 am the following day Mäki, Björklund, and Boisman were stabbed and bludgeoned to death outside the tent. The Lake Bodom murders is one of the most famous unsolved homicide cases in Finnish criminal history. Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki, 15, who were on a tent trip to Lake Bodominjärvi in Espoo, and Seppo Antero Boisman, 18, were killed while they slept in a tent, crushing their skulls. Maila Irmeli Björklund, Seppo Antero Boisman ja Anja Tuulikki Mäki saivat surmansa koko Suomea järkyttäneesä tragediassa. Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson, 18 years old at the time - … On June 4, 1960, four teenagers decided to camp of the shore of the beautiful lake near Espoo known as Lake Bodom.Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki were fifteen back them and Seppo Antero Boisman and Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson, their boyfriends, were eighteen. One of the most famous unsolved homicide cases in Finnish criminal history. Maila Irmeli Björklund, 15 let Anja Tuulikki Mäki, 15 let Seppo Antero Boisman, 18 let Nils Gustafsson, tehdy 18 let, jediný přeživší, roku 2004 zatčen, propuštěn … Bodominjärven murhat on Suomen rikoshistorian tunnetuimpia tapauksia. Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki were fifteen years old at the time; accompanying them were their eighteen-year-old boyfriends, Seppo Antero Boisman and Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson. Li quaresim yuno Nils Gustavsson (tande 18 annus) supervivet. (Friday the 13th) Female, aged 18 to 25. Ordinary schoolboy Heikki Salonen became one of the key witnesses to Bodom's triple murder.It was just an ordinary warm and calm summer morning on Lake Bodominjärvi in Espoo. "The Shocking Truth" The Shocking Truth: Friday the 13th (TV Episode 2018) Skylar Underhill as Maila Irmeli Björklund That morning became a grim chapter in Finnish criminal history, Pentecost, which is remembered 60 years later. With Austin Baker, Maila Irmeli Björklund, Seppo Antero Boisman, Paul Boucher. They say that it was death itself, the Grim Reaper, who came for the victims on the fateful night of June 4, 1960.. ... Spune-ţi părerea despre Maila Irmeli Björklund Pentru a scrie un review trebuie sa fii autentificat. On June 5, 1960, at Bodom Lake, 15-year-old females, Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki, and 18-year-old male, Seppo Antero Boisman, were killed by stabbing and blunt force trauma to their heads, while sleeping inside a tent. Grave site information of Maila Irmeli Björklund (6 Jun 1944 - 5 Jun 1960) at Helsingin pitäjän kirkon hautausmaa, Vantaa in 01510 Vantaa, Uusimaa, Uusimaa, Finland from BillionGraves ­ Kuva: Pentti Koskinen Zhruba 12 rokov po vraždách - medzi 3. a 4. júlom 1972 - napísal istý samovrah vo svojom liste na rozlúčku, že to bol on, kto spáchal bodomské vraždy. Maila Irmeli Björklund, 15 rokov; Anja Tuulikki Mäki, 15 rokov; Seppo Antero Boisman, 18 rokov; Nils Gustafsson, vtedy 18 rokov, jediný ktorý prežil, roku 2004 zatknutý, prepustený 2005, zbavený viny; Teória. The Bodominjärvi Murders is one of the most infamous unsolved homicide cases in Finnish criminal history. Seppo had managed to get some alcohol and black market condoms for the night ahead in the serenity of the Finnish landscape. Maila Irmeli Björklund . Anja Tuulikki Mäki (15 years old female) – DIED . The teen campers included Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki and their boyfriends – Seppo Antero Boisman and Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson. The fourth member of the party, 18-year-old Nils Gustafsson, was found badly injured on the tent. Koko Suomen tuntemassa tragediassa surmansa saivat Anja Tuulikki Mäki, Maila Irmeli Björklund ja Seppo Antero Boisman. The Lake Bodom Murders. Li Lago de Bodom devenit famosi pro li mortation de tri adolestences li 5-im de junio 1960. The patient appeared dishevelled, with black fingernails and his clothes covered in red stains. Sometime between 4:00 and 6:00 in the morning, the teens were stabbed and bludgeoned. On June 4, 1960, 15-year-olds Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki and their 18-year-old boyfriends Seppo Antero Boisman and Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson went camping on the shores of the beautiful Lake Bodom near the Finnish city of Espoo. Ethnicity: White / Caucasian ; Applications closed 12 November 2017. Maila Irmeli Björklund. ­ … 5.6.1960 espoolaisen Bodomjärven rannalla telttaretkellä olleet 15-vuotiaat Maila Irmeli Björklund ja Anja Tuulikki Mäki sekä 18-vuotias Seppo Antero Boisman surmattiin heidän nukkuessaan teltassaan murskaamalla heidän kallonsa lyömällä todennäköisesti isolla kivellä. Gustafsson and three other teenagers (18-year-old Seppo Antero Boisman and two 15-year-olds named Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki) decided to camp on the shores of Lake Bodom near Espoo, Finland. Seppo Antero Boisman, 18 years old at time of death. ­ Keskusrikospoliisin tutkijat etsivät murha-asetta vedestä vuonna 1960. On June 5, 1960, at Bodom Lake, 15-year-old females Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki and 18-year-old male Seppo Antero Boisman were killed by stabbing and blunt-force trauma to their heads, while sleeping inside a tent. They had chosen a well-known campsite on the shores of Bodominjärvi, known in English as Lake Bodom. 15-vuotiaat Maila Irmeli Björklund ja Anja Tuulikki Mäki sekä 18-vuotias Seppo Antero Boisman kuolivat Bodom-järvellä. Maila Irmeli Björklund 1944 1960 Maila Irmeli Björklund, 1944 - 1960. Li victimes esset li puellas Maila Irmeli Björklund (15 annus) e Anja Tuulikki Mäki (16 annus) e li púer Seppo Antero Boisman (18 annus). Maila Irmeli Björklund was born on June 6 1944. Accompanying the two young women were their 18-year-old boyfriends Seppo Antero Boisman and Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson. Sometime between 4 and 6 a.m. on the morning of June 5th, a mysterious assailant attacked all four with a knife and a blunt instrument The Lake Bodom murders is one of the most famous unsolved homicide cases in Finnish criminal history. The character was 15 years old. Anja Tuulikki Mäki and Maila Irmeli Björklund were 15 year old girls that traveled with their boyfriends to Lake Bodom for a weekend camping party. Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson . Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki were fifteen years old at the time; accompanying them were their eighteen-year-old boyfriends, Seppo Antero Boisman and Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson. One of the victims of the Lake Bodum murders that took place in Finland in the 60s. All four teenagers were from Vantaa, a city in Finland (“Man remanded”). Li lago devenit un loc por mult obscur legendes. A négy espoo-i fiatal, a 18 éves Seppo Boisman, a szintén 18 éves Nils Gustafsson, a 15 éves Tuulikki Mäki, aki Boismannal járt és az ugyancsak 15 éves Maila Irmeli Björklund, Gustafsson barátnője hétvégi kiruccanásra indult 1960. június 4-én a Bodom-tóhoz. Maila Irmeli Björklund, 15 years old at time of death. Mäen perhe joutui käsittelemään kaksi tragediaa samana vuonna, kun perheen Elsa-äiti kuoli vajaa puoli vuotta … Both Mäki and Boisman lay dead inside. Coordinates. He became one of the key witnesses to the blood work. The two female victims, Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki, were 15 at the time of their murders. "Friday The 13th" is the story of a group of teenagers who are stalked and murdered while trying to reopen a summer camp at Crystal Lake. Maila Irmeli Björklund (15 years old female) – DIED . Directed by Geordie Day. But the shocking truth is that the film is based on the real life murders of three teenagers at Lake Bodom, Finland. On June 5, 1960, at Bodom Lake, 15-year-old females, Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki, and 18-year-old male, Seppo Antero Boisman, were killed by stabbing and blunt force trauma to … Seppo Antero Boisman (18 years old male) – DIED . Stabbed and bludgeoned . Stabbed and bludgeoned . Police found no hard evidence to link him to the actual murders. Az idő szép volt, sátrazásra kifejezetten alkalmas, a hangulat pedig vidám, mi baj lehet? ­ Bodomin murhista käytiin oikeutta vuonna 2005, jolloin myös teltta tuotiin saliin nähtäväksi. Omaisten osa oli raskas. They had been accompanied by their boyfriends, Seppo Antero Boisman and Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson, both of whom were 18. By clicking on CONTINUE you confirm that you are 18 years and over. Find family history information in a whole new way. Ammattikoulussa opiskelleet Maila Irmeli Björklund ja Anja Tuulikki Mäki sekä valimo-oppilaat Nils Wilhelm Gustafsson ja Seppo Antero Boisman lähtivät lauantaina 4. kesäkuuta vuonna 1960 poikien moottoripyörillä telttaretkelle Espoon Högnäsiin Bodominjärven etelärannalle, lähelle Oittaan kartanon maita. She was buried in Helsingin Pitäjän Kirkon Hautausmaa, Vantaa, Uusimaa, Finland. On June 4, 1960, 15-year-olds Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki of Espoo, Finland, set out for a camping trip. On June 5, 1960, at Bodom Lake, 15-year-old females, Maila Irmeli Björklund and Anja Tuulikki Mäki, and 18-year-old male, Seppo Antero Boisman, were killed by stabbing and blunt force trauma to their heads, while sleeping inside a tent.