Thanks tho! I did virus on Brutal no problem but Fungus is running rings around me even on lower difficulty. To keep you coming back for your genocidal kick, the game offers you plenty of other pathogen options, and among the most fun options is the Plague, Inc. fungus. Note: At this point, the last country may take a while to infect. Please read the following rules before commenting: Save my nickname and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Are you on PC? To start us off, we're going to need to place our future deadly fungus into India! I did it! This did not help at all. It takes a long time to infect the entire population, so be patient and only add symptoms once the world is fully infected and you get the "There are no healthy people left in the world" message. McPluffel Offline Category: Walkthroughs. It may take a little longer, but I win every single time. Anything that helps prevent the cure or kills faster. You should be able to do pretty much whatever you want, but the ones I've listed are going to likely be the most reliable. I needed 2 dna points to get organ failure. It worked like a charm, Win the first plague? Also, it can be beneficial because it can speed up the process by refunding 2 DNA points. Here's a look at where you should be when the infection has spread fully: A small amount of people will be dead, and you should have quite a few DNA points to work with. The Fungus still needs to travel via the normal air / water / land routes. These are strategically planned traits you need to evolve in order for your fungus to spread. after being stuck on fungus for weeks this helped 100%, This worked flawlessly for me! last country is always greenland or iceland, and i have them both infected but its being infected so slow. Then when i took all my points out of transmission and environment resistance, i put it into genetic hardening 1 and 2. Plague Inc. Add new comment. Created by Offline Category: Game Modes, Gameplay Basics, Walkthroughs. The game, though, is too smart for that. I also devolved any symptoms that mutated. I started in Russia and everyone got infected just by upgrading to extreme bioaerosol and heat resistance 1. It is unlocked by finishing the Virus plague in either normal or brutal difficulty( Virus Brutal guide here ). We need our fungus to start spreading more reliably, so upgrading both the air and water transmission will help this along. All was well until the cure started to be researched. I think I was able to get all the way to Total Organ Failure once everyone was infected. You don’t need the cold/heat resistance on level 2. Plague Inc. Parasite Normal Guide – Tips on How to Complete! I also did insomnia, paranoia, inflammation, paralysis, coma as well as the ones suggested and any which increased severity. I’m going to start my fungus somewhere crazy ie not in the recommended India China or Saudi Arabia. It gets worrying when the cure starts almost right away and cure planes start zooming left and right up and down but then everyone starts dying, and it’s satisfying to watch the work break down, I finished and won at 2062 days and 62% of the cure was completed, hope this, doesn't work. Devolve any mutated diseases that pop up on the screen. This is a guide on how to wipe out humanity with the fungus on normal difficulity. 2 . So i followed every step and i'm stuck at 43 DNA points. Plague Inc.’s Air 1, Air 2, Water 1, Water 2 and ultimately the Extreme Bioaresol will ensure the spread of your fungus by land, by sea, and by air. If you want to save DNA don't spend it on Enviro Hardening, you don't need it. I just added a troubleshooting section to this guide with screenshots of a recent run using these exact steps. I did it! We're upgrading now to finish off one of the Spore Burst trees and to trigger a Spore Eruption. 4th time I tried it your way I didn't bother with second level hot and cold resistance as it was spreading fine, just slowly. Hey.. Groenland, Madagascar and Philippines are not infected. We're not looking to kill people right away, the idea is to infect everyone first, and then ramp up the symptoms. Plague INC Evolved Walkthrough Made by LordofDarknnes This walkthough is for the normal and mega brutal for all plagues Contents 1 Gameplay 2 Bacteria Normal 3 Virus Normal 4 Fungus Normal 5 Neurax Worm Normal and Mega Brutal 6 Parasite Normal 7 Necroa Virus Normal and Mega Brutal 8 Prion Normal 9 Nano-Virus Normal and Mega Brutal 10 Bio-Weapon Normal 11 Simian Flu Normal … Tell me what I might have done wrong! Thanks again you were a big help. That was a pain, My plague named Itchy feet killed everyone in 1367 days and the cure was 55% done. Finally beat this level, thank you! You must use genes to beat brutal or mega brutal. Devolve all symptoms/mutations until everyone is infected. Our Plague Inc. Fungus Guide will walk you through exactly what you need to do to complete the game with fungus on normal difficulty. I won but it was scary. Doesn't that cost DNA points to devolve? This is the key to not having a county begin research into a cure. This was perfect! Fungus on normal. Because using Cheat Engine to get infinite points will just lead you to "It killed all it's hosts but some healthy people survived!" I invest the rest in genetic hardening and reshuffle. As instructed do this all the way through until step 13. Thanks for the tutorial! You can't let it exist for any amount of time. Une stratégie compréhensive pour Plague Inc, telle que nous l'avons vue dans cet article est sans aucun doute le meilleur guide pour jouer à ce jeu. Sur cette page, vous trouverez comment démarrer une partie de Plague Inc., choisir sa maladie ainsi que comment débloquer toutes les maladies du jeu. Greenland, Iceland etc are the most tough to infect despite cold 2 evolve and others. I’ve been trying to beat this type of disease for a reaaaally long time and finally decided to ask for help and I got it! It will ask "Do you want to remove this trait? I kept getting total world infection but a cure would be finished at the last minute and spoil it. It went down to 68%. waited for a few yellow bubbles to get extra points then went straight for the organ failure. Finally beat it at day 1554 and 93% cure...i may have jumped the gun a little bit when it was time for total organ failure lol Thank You! This "Plague Inc." walkthrough includes everything you need to win one of the more difficult levels of the game. Thanks! However, this fungus level has got my number. It should be too fast for them to deal with, but make sure to pop any cure bubbles that pop up. Don't do fever though, that helps the cure. Symptoms mutate to fast and cost to much. There’ll always be a last country hard to infect despite these tips. I have reworked my tutorial for this to make it as fast as possible. Thanks! Plague Inc. is a global hit with over a million 5 star ratings and features in newspapers such as The Economist, New York Post, Boston Herald, The Guardian and London Metro! I think air n wat 1-2, cold n heat res 1-2 will be the main progress? Unfavorite. Well if i dont have any symptoms, no one will get infected, period. I've been trying many different strategies, from infecting everyone and having no symptoms until the end to going very lethal from the start and everything in between, … This did not work. Build Your DNA Points to 66. It took 1416 days. Can’t get enough points to put a dent in. Languages: English. (Oh, don't use cheat engine if you don't have to. THANK YOU SO MUCH! After you follow the step you will want to devolve all of the point except for drug Resist. Pop toutes les bulles de cure qui apparaissent. Share. That really helps with the slow game-play (just be ready to pop bubbles quickly). Freaked out for a bit cuz cure was going pretty quick. Update: I just beat this on brutal first try both times i got a score of 8070 3 bio hazards 78% cure, thank you again! Just tried this but instead of using all my spores I upgraded all the animal transmissions and upgraded my medicine resistance twice. So a little help for others that may have been making the same mistake I was when I followed through the steps. To keep you coming back for your genocidal kick, the game offers you plenty of other pathogen options, and among the most fun options is the Plague, Inc. fungus. The fungus is a difficult level on Plague Inc., especially on Brutal difficulty. You will need to have exactly 23 DNA to head into the next step to give our fungus some ability to spread better, and a bit of resistance. If you're struggling with this, then consider slowing down the speed of the game. My fungus always killed everyone before it could reach those pesky islands ^_^ Plague Inc. Fungus on Normal Walkthrough. Instead of doing: coughing, sneezing, immune suppression, total organ failure, I did: insomnia, paranoia, inflammation, paralysis, coma, and then total organ failure. Your tutorial worked great. Spore Hardening boosts the ultra-low Fungus spreading rates by a lot but it still ends up being less infectious than bacteria. In Plague Inc. for the Android & iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, etc. Thank you so much! It wiped out the planet when the cure reached 76%. You will get 2 DNA points returned" Click Yes. cause I had no points to develop the other cure thing! Once the pop up shows on the screen, immediately hit disease and devolve it. Please read the Wiki Rules, before adding a strategy, tips or Q&A . Now i’m off to have a long hard look at myself for taking time to review a level skip tutorial about a mobile phone game. Subject . It worked perfectly on the first time! Perhaps because I am so good looking? I usef a lot of those points+the desolved ones to purchase symptoms and drug resistance. I did pneumonia track to organ failure. Pop all the cure bubbles to slow down the cure, and make sure to continue to add Symptoms as you gain more DNA points. I followed the instructions exactly several times and modified it a bit several times. La difficulté de ce niveau est liée à deux choses. Fungus on normal. Anyone else having a nightmare with this? Now we're going to need to start spreading the fungus more and into other countries. Vous trouverez sur cette page le Guide complet de Plague Inc. rédigé par Supersoluce. The cheats also didn't work for me but i am going to try amit again and not devolve any of the abilities. This will get you out of just India and into a bunch of other countries. The following are strategies for the Fungus plague type in the Cure Mode. Didn’t understand step 1 but I ignored it and worked thanks, Ran out of points to get Total Organ Failure and the cure was found before i could kill everyone, I almost lost on this. Thanks for this guide I followed it and got it done on Brutal difficulty (with 96% cure developed), This game must have become popular lately ^^, Thanks man! That doesn’t mean you have to give up and let humanity live on in joy and harmony, though. Take note that you will start with few choices first—bacteria, virus, and fungus. Devolve until everyone is infected. Seriously start over and go slow. Thank you!! I had to spend more time waiting during the first phase of the game. Posted . Warning: Fungus is by far the longest game level you will play on Plague Inc. Doesn’t work. The developer of Plague Inc. was invited to speak at the CDC in Atlanta about the disease models inside the game! Award. After everyone is infected, DNA points dry up almost completely, and refunded from infectivity mutations doesn’t provide nearly enough to make the fungus kill faster than the ridiculously quick cure research. Thanks for taking the time out to make a well written comment. SO WIAT AND SAVE. Share. It worked! Thanks for putting the time into making the tutorial though because it realy helped until step 7. It saved a few points. By the time I got all the drug abilities back, the cure was at 83% til I got the genetic reshuffle. Did I need to devolve my symptoms too? Worked like a charm, started in Iceland and still worked. This can make infecting everyone in the world an exercise in frustration unless you go in … This one is a bit more difficult than the others, and a lot of people seem to have trouble with it. I could not beat it and often rage-quit. Once all the countries are red, you must check each one to make sure everyone is infected. (and apologies if someone else has already addressed this), First do not misread like I did and focus on actively evolving symptoms in the host country. I won day 1114 With the cure at 54%. Thank you so much!! They developed a cure in time. Then again kept building up to over 90 and kept it there. Time for another Spore Burst, just gather up 12 points and upgrade another one of these. 2. I must thank you sir! You should have way more DNA points at that point. It’s more fun if you challenge yourself and make it harder. Make sure when something evolves you don’t hit the X on the prompt and instead immediately devolve it. Dans Plague Inc, vous serez obligé de commencer votre extinction de l'humanité grâce à une bactérie.Mais plus vous avancerez dans le jeu, plus vous débloquerez de nouveaux types d'épidémie. Though, you have to pay more attention to your DNA costs. Now note** do not confuse devolving game generated symptoms/mutations/traits with the process of the explicitly stated traits you are instructed to evolve like in step 4, 6 and 7. I’ve managed to infect everyone but the cure hit 100% with only about half the planet dead. Prion Mode: ... More Plague Inc. Cheats. THANK YOU! Tried twice, at the first try the cure was finished a little too fast but when i tried again this walkthrough worked perfectly for me. There are a few things you need to know before we get started, though. It did, although I did have a few variations. I followed this and won! Absolute pack of lies. Next, we'll need to save up 12 DNA to get our next upgrade. Your tutorials are awesome, thanks for making them :). I used Cheat Engine to get my points all the way to "Organ Failure" Other way it really helped me. Could i just ask which difficulty you did this on because i did it on normal and it failed because i couldnt get dna points quick enough to beat the cure on step 7. Also, when you've gathered more points, start upgrading more Symptoms to make it lead to death quicker and harder to cure. I started in the US and instead of building my points and then buying the suggested abilities I waited until I had enough to purchase each one individually. Greenland ended up being a spore country at the very end because it just would not move to it for whatever reason I got a little nervous cuz the cure got to 68% but petered out there as the world population dropped to 40k. At this point your fungus should have pretty much infiltrated all of the countries on the map and now you will want to wait until you get the "There Are No Healthy People Left in the World" message. Only after the whole world is infected are you instructed to then go back and one by one, work backwards to devolve said abilities. Thanks for walk through followed it to the letter and it worked perfectly. Plague Inc. Bacteria Normal Guide – Tips on How to Complete! I double dare you to fill this field! First I got every one infected and then started to develop the symptoms like instructed. These instructions were not specific enough. The fungus is a difficult level on Plague Inc., especially on Brutal difficulty. Plague Inc Fungus Casual or Normal. Use whats left for insomnia and whatever significantly slows down cure research. so instead of 66 went up to 80. It can be difficult to spread your fungus to other countries, and research for the cure can progress quickly. Fungus sucks like that. Unfavorite. A noter qu'il vous faudra au minimum jouer en mode normal et gagner votre partie afin de débloquer la maladie suivante. I was able to get cure 35 % with a score of 10120! Do so if you cannot wait. Copyright © 2021 Pro Game Guides. Start in India. This one is a bit more difficult than the others, and a lot of people seem to have trouble with it. I'd tried killing of the world with a fungus about 5 different times, these instructions were a success! When it says you will end up with 70-80 DNA points, I ended up with 33 and lost the game. I pretty recommended this strategy but to be honest this game is depend luck i already play this game many time but some of country is still not getting infected. Vous aurez notamment accès au Virus, au Fungus, au Parasite, au Prion, au Nano-Virus et à la Bio-Arme.Cependant, la majorité des joueurs a bloqué sur le Fungus. Comment battre Fungus en mode normal dans Plague Inc. Question: What happens if they start to cure and it goes really fast? For anyone confused about what he meant by "devolve until everyone is infected" it means that you have to devolve any new symptom that appears when the fungus randomly mutates so the disease is not detected by governments; people will get infected anyway even if the disease has no symtom whatsoever. Took me 2 169 game days to do, finished with the cure on 64%. Put the 33 points into: Drug Resistance 1; Cold Resistance 1; Cold Resistance 2; Build Your DNA Points to 75 You'll have the option of using a spore burst. To devolve, if something appears in the screen, rather something like this: “Nausea has been mutated”, go to Disease, go to Symptoms, find the symptom that has been mutated ex. Not sure why this won’t work for me. 2121 days Cure 42% done - on the first try :) Thanks for the walkthrough. Comment gagner avec le Prion en mode Brutal dans Plague Inc.. Plague Inc. est un jeu vidéo disponible sur les appareils iOS et Android. Had to use 3 spore bursts but that was fine. If its cold, evolve a basic syntom to spread in cold and if its hot, well..youll know what to do. This guide will walk you through exactly all the steps you need to take to spread your fungus across the globe! La principale différence est que les spores fongiques ont du mal à parcourir de longues distances. It works every single time. I used the genes: (DNA) Catalytic Switch, (Mutation) Genetic Mimic, (Travel) Suppression, (Environment) Extremophile, (Evolution) Translesion+. Thanks, I thought it wasn't going to work but it did! Then did the insomnia and insanity symptoms. {i do not take credit for this cheat i got it from a youtuber}. All comments must be on topic and add something of substance to the post, Do not attempt to start a poll in the comments, We reserve the right to remove a comment for any reason, Do not impersonate a staff member or influencer. Worked like a charm! If you want … For fungus, I only start in hot countries, only invest in water and air transmission, maxing out both, and resistance 1 and 2. You have to wait until EVERYONE is infected and devolve EVERY symptom that appears automatically until then. By This is how to beat the fungus on casual or normal (that means that this guide works for casual or normal!) Close. Award. This will infect the last country. Coma makes it hard to cure too. Thanks again! save close to the end and do the same thing over and over to get all the ability's! Once all the countries are red, check to make sure everyone is infected. My fungus killed only about 70 000 people before the cure was ready and all the rest was healed. Did as the tutorial said. About Plague Inc Fungus Fungus Plague is a strategy gamer and relish the challenge, I strongly picking! Attempt two failed too , trying a third time , I have gotten further . I think that the problem is in me, or should I buy more drug res'? I was a bit worried about the cure progress suddenly going forward very fast, but as long as you do everything from step 11 at once, humanity doesn’t stand a chance B-). It may have taken more points but my cure percentage did not go higher than 48%. Favorite. I was never even able to save up enough for the first set of upgrades, 5 times I tried the same 5 times and the same happens always the cure goes fast like once it went from 40 to 95%, 1,556 days with the cure at 58 % complete. J'espère vraiment que la prochaine fois que vous partirez en mission pour décimer le monde, vous serez en position d'utiliser les astuces mentionnées ci-dessus. This worked great for me. Plague Inc. is an insanely addicting iOS game, and the first 2 levels were challenging but I was able to kill all humans in a way that would make Omicron Persei 8 proud. Complete Fungus under the Normal or Brutal difficulty setting. The Fungus plague is the 3rd unlock-able plague. They shouldn’t be developing a cure at all by the time you infect everyone. Are you missing the bubbles when they pop up? Like the previous two plague types, the Fungus plague type has all the same Transmissions, Symptoms, and Standard Abilities, as well as the same possible Genes. Would have worked fine if I was platient and waiting to upgrade to seizure all at once. This works also with brutal mode. So what i'm gonna do this next time around not put any points into drug resistance and see what happens. Ashleign has been playing video games for more than 20 years. Answer: Bail out! Languages: English. This worked great for me. I have found that if you start in hot countries, it is absolutely useless to imvest in heat resistance at all. Fungus is one of the longest and drawn-out levels in the game. Follow along with this walkthrough for "Plague Inc." Beating Prion on Normal This tutorial, while similar to the Virus tutorial I posted, is a little different in the way you go about beating the game. When it says you will end up with 70-80 DNA points, I ended up with 33 and lost the game. Thanks for nothing. After the burst eruption, take a spore burst, wait until some countries get infected naturally and spore bust again just to make sure theres no small countries left (it will save you time while the cure is being developed, cause any second its precious at this point) until you see theres no countries left, when least of 7 billion people get infected, there will be the last tough country, find it and look at its info. Why would you do step 12. To modify the genetic code and beat virus on mega Brutal is a standard Plague type have. If you did not devolve it, the cure will start earlier. We're taking a detailed look on how-to beat the fungus plague in Plague Inc. Our Plague Inc. Fungus Guide will walk you through exactly what you need to do to complete the game with fungus on normal difficulty. Thanks, this strategy helped me to beat fungus, but i modify it and start in Saudi Arabia, I got 83770 points, 48% cure progress, 388 days in game, and 4 biohazard. Guide worked perfectly! All plague inc. tutorials from you worked first try, now I’m on bio weapon. I have tested it multiple times, following these exact steps, and it has worked each time. Once you've conquered the world with your lethal bacteria in Plague, Inc., you may think it's time to move on to other means of mass destruction of the human race through Plague Inc Fungus. Thank you a lot for your work, I followed the instructions and I was able to beat the game in 1548 days and the cure completion was below 50%. Perhaps because I am so good looking? Thank you thank you thank you!!! I had 62 DNA points when the entire population was infected, so I’m not sure what step you are missing or why you aren’t having similar success. Comment * user name . No matter what I do it's either soon as overbearing and I lose authority or people start dying in their millions and I lose. * Fill in the blank. Also try to get as much DNA as you can before upgrading your symptoms because if you do upgrade them too slowly then they have enough time to make a cure. Follow my directions carefully and you will succeed. Comments are on moderation and will be approved in a timely manner. Cure made it to 49% then stalled. To make sure our fungus doesn't just die out in the cold, some DNA into Cold Resistance 1 will give it a chance. but i did some changes.. Absolutely amazing…i got score of 5090 by following the steps…for people who have trouble in last country…spend some DNA for one more spore burst…that will guarantee last country infection…save points and immediately run for organ failure and other lethal when no human is safe…you’ll pretty much kill everyone. So i don't really recommend you using cheat engine. hey i know how to make people die go to 2nd then go to in then the other to the brain but it worked then i saw 1 dead then more dead. Save up 25 DNA, and then upgrade 1 through 5 of your Spore Burst. I needed 2 dna points to get organ failure. Worked wonders for me! This level was driving me up a wall. my issue is that it doesnt say you need the spore blast. As always. Normal on Plague Inc is.99 cents and very unique and fun game for the iPad be as as. And some people complained that the devolving ruined everything. Once you've gathered that up, head to Abilities and upgrade your Heat Resistance 1! But Carribean just wouldn't get infected! Nausea, and devolve it for a refund of 2 DNA points. The problem is, they don't have an airport and my fungus doesnt travel with boats. It worked! Once you've gathered up 18 more DNA Points, we will want to use those towards upgrading our Drug Resistance ability. Nerve wrecking, but this helped a lot, Ayyyy! I’ve followed this to the letter and have been unsuccessful in literally 12-15 attempts.