Here is the right place to test both. For KS3. Playing quizzes is free! French Sport / Sport Français. Invite your friends and see who is the best. 2 135 193 licenciés. Newest Quizzes le football. Our quizzes may be used as printable quizzes and question sheets by k-12 teachers, parents, and home schoolers. French is one of the only languages spoken across five continents! 57% of success on 18 players 15. Check them out today! Why take our French Vocabulary Test? QUIZ Cars, bikes. - Q1: En quelle année l'équipe de France de football a-t-elle remporté pour la deuxième fois l'Euro de football ? - L'Etudiant Tous les quiz en français. Quiz par tag. Testez vos connaissances et développez votre culture sur la langue française et plus encore ! Created by JBjacopo, modified on 5 Jun 20. Flexible and convenient, the quiz works on any device. We have over 3,000 - ranging from basketball to football, hockey to soccer, and everything in between. Teachers / educators: FunTrivia welcomes the use of our website and quizzes in the classroom as a teaching aid or for preparing and testing students. 7,12 m 7,22 m 7,32 m 7,42 m 29 La prime, quinte, sextime, ça évoque pour vous... Des positions de la main tenant un fleuret You are expert in cars??? Share your results on social media or via email. European Cars Quiz QUIZ Cars, bikes. At the end of the test, click on the Result button below and you will be presented how many you got right and the correct answers to those you got wrong. Quiz Sport français : Connaissez-vous les classiques du sport français ?Faites ce quiz pour le savoir ! Latest Quizzes & tests Sport & Recreation you have to PLAY ! We send trivia questions and personality tests every week to your inbox. 15. 5 500 000 licenciés. ... Que les français aiment la randonnée, d'accord, mais 5 500 000 licenciés ce n'est pas un peu beaucoup. 27 Dans quel sport n'avez-vous pas besoin de magnésie ? SPORTS Learn with flashcards, games, and more â for free. Test Quiz culture générale - Sport N°1 : Testez vos connaissances afin de réviser ou simplement améliorer votre niveau. By clicking "Sign Up" you are agreeing to our privacy policy and confirming that you are 13 years old or over. Sports trivia on Looking for good sports quizzes? You are sure of your knowledge of cars? sport. la randonnée. You have a real interest in sports and in French language? ... Nombres de Français qui pratiquent le sport. Haltérophilie Barre fixe Cheval d'arçon Equitation 28 Quelle est la largeur d'un but de football ? See our education page.