Z reflects on the One Piece and becomes angered over how much suffering and death its existence has brought to the world. Z is a large, muscular, tan-skinned man, standing around twice the height of He wore a sleeveless yellow shirt, light blue shorts, brown boots and white gloves. 74[2] Officers: Zephyr | Vergo His strength was so immense that he was able to create large shock waves and craters simply by striking the ground, even without the aid of his Battle Smasher. When he was first introduced, Crocodile was planning to use Baroque Works to stage Chuchun | [5], Kizaru then arrives with his army, telling he was going to kill them all. Ain cried, though showing great emotional restraint all the while, as she paid her respect to Z's grave afterwards. Zoro and the others find Luffy, and help carry him to safety and are able to escape the island before it is destroyed. Z becomes elated, that he is being given such a good fight. Big Pan | [5], As the battle ends, the Straw Hats rush over to Luffy's aid, with Ain and Binz doing the same for Z. Kurozumi Orochi Luffy tells him his bullets will never harm him, until Z pulls out a small pistol and fires a bullet into his shoulder made from Seastone. In exchange for these services, the Shichibukai are pardoned for their former actions and any existing bounties are rescinded.As the Shichibukai are no longer outlaws, they can make money through legitimate business, as well as bounty hunting. Having his beloved family killed by pirates and a score of his students slaughtered and his arm severed by another, the latter of whom was (in Z's opinion, unjustly) promoted to the ranks of Shichibukai left Z emotionally traumatized and embittered towards piracy, developing a deep-seated loathing and a wish to exterminate them all. Kurozumi Higurashi | Basil Hawkins | Caesar Clown, Emperors' Crews His loathing was so strong that he would go to the extremes to achieve his agenda, whether physical, like stealing a powerful weapon from the Marines, or moralistic, like raising a jolly roger himself. Captain: Fukurokuju Each agent possesses different abilities and skills. He made an open vow he would destroy all pirates before storming the beach, attacking waves of Marine soldiers that are flung aside. Alongside Garp, Sengoku, and Tsuru, Z was one of the most powerful Marines of his generation. [5], Z's Battle Smasher was used to make part of the cross on his grave. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Vergo | This provoked international uproar (though it was later revealed to be a deception). Kurozumi Orochi | Jinbe forfeited his position as a Shichibukai for his refusal to assist in the war against the Whitebeard Pirates and was incarcerated in Level 6 of Impel Down. Z met Luffy and immediately identified him as the ship's captain. Luffy pounds away against his Battle Smasher arm, with Z calling his efforts useless. Still, many Marine officers (for example Vice Admiral Smoker, Admiral Kizaru, Admiral Fujitora, Fleet Admiral Sakazuki and former Fleet Admiral Sengoku) despise them and consider the Shichibukai as nothing more than pirates when they don't trust pirates. Hogback | She gracefully defeated all the soldiers attacking her, and she then vowed to follow Z wherever he went. They do not offer open opposition to the authority of the World Government, but are not obligated to follow its orders either. Orochi Oniwabanshu Senor Pink | Charlotte Broyé | Minozebra | He served as the main antagonist of One Piece Film: Z. Capote | Prior to joining the Straw Hat Pirates, Nico Robin sought to be Crocodile's partner mainly for protection. Scratchmen Apoo | He was seen carrying a rifle and a backpack. Z blocks it, showing mild surprise to see Luffy. Blueno | Ain and Binz then arrived with a fleet of ships and board the Sunny, announcing that they would be confiscating it. Sometime after the Neo Marines were formed, Ain and Shuzo dueled each other for the position of Z's right hand. Bear King | Z begins showing signs of fatigue, as the two rush and smash each others fists against one another as hard as they can. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. Headquarters [5], Z overpowered the Monster Trio, as he held Luffy in his grip, helpless against him. The blast engulfed the entire island, destroying everything. Im | Numbers: Avec Licence. [5], Nami showed signs of suspicion, worrying that they picked up someone problematic. Lastly, Z also loved alcohol, as shown during his encounter with Kuzan. "Demon Sheriff" Laffitte | "Demon Lady" Charlotte Amande | Once his men arrived to collect him, Z attempted there and then to obliterate the Straw Hats. Had Law admitted the Straw Hat Pirates were his subordinates instead of allies, the highly wanted crew would have been spared as well. !Zephyr "Black Arm" Zephyr, also known as Z or Zephyr, is the leader of the Neo Marines and the main antagonist of the One Piece … Kaneshiro | Ain begins crying for him, telling him she's happy he is alright. Black Maria | Crocodile abused the privilege of being no longer monitored so closely to build himself a large and powerful covert organization,while Blackbeard and Trafalgar Law exploited the benefits their statuses granted them in order to enter facilities that would otherwise have been unreachable to a pirate. Chopper defended him, with Luffy ordering him to save his life and that he would deal with him if he was an enemy. Miss Monday | Although they once work for the World Government, the Shichibukai themselves do not care about or respect the Government (excluding Bartholomew Kuma, who was modified into their puppet) or even other Shichibukai, and were often considered by the Marines to be no different from any other pirate. Sakazuki, Borsalino, Kuzan, Momonga, Doberman, Onigumo, Comil, Yamakaji, Strawberry, Hina, Smoker, Ain, and Binz were all trained by Z in his capacity as an instructor. Jack "the Drought" Luffy commented it would be bad if he was a Marine, telling him they were pirates. Z became an admiral at age 38, during Gol D. Roger and Edward Newgate's golden age. Z promised the end of the New World was near, and he would kill every last single pirate in it. Japanese VA: Occupations: Alpacaman | Crocodile's actions in Alabasta left the World Government with few options other than his dismissal, although in fact Luffy dealt with him (and his bounty was raised for that) Moriah's defeat was met with horror by the World Government as they had only just replaced Crocodile's loss. Dismissal from the Shichibukai holds not only the individual's loss of title but in cases also the breakdown of possible politics affiliated to the Shichibukai. Seven Warlords of the Sea Cabaji | "Death God" Doc Q, Golden Lion Pirates Hamburg | Jeremy SchwartzTia Ballard (young), Z, also known by his real name and former epithet "Black Arm" Zephyr, was the leader and founder of the Neo Marines as well as a former Marine admiral and instructor before his resignation.[1]. Originally a happy person, being popular among his subordinates and having created a loving family, his life changed for the worse when his wife and son were murdered by a pirate, and later all but two of his cadets killed and his right arm severed by another, the latter who would be invited to the Seven Warlords of the Sea. He blocked it, charging forward and blows Kizaru to pieces with a powerful blast from his Battle Smasher. At age 28, Z kept his marine coat draped over his shoulders and wore a white V-neck shirt with the marine logo printed on it. Z as a child playing the role of "Hero of Justice Z". "Crescent Moon Hunter" Catarina Devon | On the other hand, they were once known as "government dogs" and were despised by other pirates, but are still feared and respected for their infamous reputation and strength before, and even after they become Shichibukai. Jinbe and his entire crew were given a pardon for their captain, Fisher Tiger's attack against the World Nobles, and their status as slaves nullified. Current Shichibukai: Mihawk. Only Zephyr and two of his crew survived. [5], Suddenly, Luffy appears. Both's histories have been developed by Oda personally. Shichibukai … Govenor-General: Kaido "of the Beasts" Kuroobi | Caesar Clown | Gild Tesoro | On the official One Piece Film Z website and on official merchandise by Toei Animation, Shueisha, and Bandai Namco for the film, Z's name is written as "Zetto" despite the film being called "Z". The force of the impact sends rippling shock waves along the volcano. Kizaru asked how long it has been since the two last met, wondering what brings him to the island. Minotaurus | Miss All-Sunday | Perona | He told Luffy its use against Devil Fruit users, able to weaken any foe once he gets a grip on them. He uses his Haki, dodging multiple shots from cannons gradually getting closer towards Z. Dracule Mihawk (revoked after Levely)Crocodile (revoked)Donquixote Doflamingo (revoked)Bartholomew Kuma (revoked after Levely)Gekko Moriah (revoked)Marshall D. Teach (resigned)Boa Hancock (revoked after Levely)Jinbe (resigned)Trafalgar D. Water Law (revoked)Buggy (revoked after Levely)Edward Weevil (revoked after Levely) He could easily create a large crater on the ground with his fists. According to Garp, Z was the strongest believer of justice. Mounblutain | Mr. 9 | Scarlet, Kid Pirates When he told him, Z connected him as Garp's grandson and spared his life. Spandam | Square Sisters | Hody Jones | Aokiji also claimed that he drank Z's favorite drink, trying to be as cool as he was. Drip | Take | He believed that pirates must be eliminated on sight, and that merely imprisoning them was ridiculous. Baby 5 | Who's Who | Movie 12; Chapter 691 (cover); Episode 577[1] Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji all began fighting him with Z able to hold them all off with relative ease. WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. [5], The Straw Hats head out to intercept Z, pushing through the Neo Marine blockade around Piriodo. It can't be Law or Buggy, so … Speed | Captain: "Big Mom" Charlotte Linlin He strikes the ground, sending Luffy flying away. The pirates are able to hold the … [5], Kizaru politely asked him to return what he took, with Z remarking that the Dyna Stones rival the power of the Ancient Weapons as he picked up a stray one and shattered it. [5], Later, on Secon Island, a squad of Marine soldiers catch up to Z and ambush him. Satori | Robin noticed his arm was built out of Seastone, the reason why Luffy became weak when he touched him. Luffy is enraged, screaming at him to not mock Shanks as Z blasts Luffy away. Gasparde | Daruma | As the Straw Hats fight with the Neo Marines, Kizaru and a large fleet of Marines arrive on the island. Z said he was done everything he wanted to do, and now will face the price for it as he marched towards the Marine army. He had a mechanical arm named the Battle Smasher, which he used as a powerful bludgeoning weapon. They entered a cloud of raining ash, caused by the explosion. It is said that they will be replaced by Vegapunk's newest invention called the "SSG". At his last stand, Z apologized to Ain and Binz for asking so much of their time and effort, whether they gave it willingly or not. … Real name: He was also capable of countering Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji's attacks despite fighting them inside of a small cabin, with none of the three strongest Straw Hats actually being able to land a direct hit. Rabbitman Mr. 11 | Vinsmoke Ichiji | Alvida | Origin Their fight grows more intense, Luffy's shirt incinerating off him from Z's raw strength. This comment infuriated Z, as he madly swung his Battle Smasher around. Gladius | Don Accino | Others: Daikoku | [5], Fighting on their last reserves, Luffy shouts he is going to be the Pirate King with Z shouting his name in absolute confidence. He grabs Luffy in his powerful grips and tells him Shanks, along with the rest of the Four Emperors, will all die before they know what is happening. Like several other high-ranking Marines, Z had mastered the Rokushiki martial arts style, at the age of 28,[2] Though tarnished by old age, Zephyr still retained a significantly high mastery of the Rokushiki. [5], A brief flashback is seen in his mind of his early childhood, rattling his early memories. After a swig of his wine, he stares eagerly at Luffy's straw hat awaiting his inevitable arrival. Z easily beats everyone around him, with Kibin clashing with him. Such loss and injustice led to a deep hatred towards pirates, and after he left the Marines he formed a group to take matters into his own hands and annihilate them all, even if it also meant opposing the World Government and the Marines. "Scribe" Charlotte Mont-d'Or | Both were dependent on medical support outside of combat. Lilly Carnation | Five Elders, Celestial Dragons Both are pronounced the same way in Japanese, despite the difference in spelling, with "zetto" being the phonetic spelling similar to "zed". Others: Shiliew | Crocodile seemed to have gone unsupervised for an extremely long period of time, as he had created a large, malevolent organization that the World Government seemed to be completely unaware of, while Moriah was abducting civilians and Marines alike to create an army of zombies without the Government raising any complaints. Assasins: Rob Lucci | Despite his claims, he appeared to be aware that his plan would fail, and he told Luffy that he was simply happy that his plan went that far. Kizaru cheerfully says that he'll kill every one of the Straw Hats so Z is not disappointed. Charlotte Smoothie | Twenty-three years after the death of his loved ones, Z's arm was cut off by an unknown pirate with a Devil Fruit power, and his entire division was massacred with only Ain and Binz surviving. He corners Luffy and begins pounding on him, with Luffy showing little sign he can defend himself anymore. Gecko Moria. Schollzo | Sham & Buchi, Arlong Pirates Both characters have elements of ships on their own bodies, with Shiki having a steering wheel on his head and Z having two mast riggings across his chest. Similar to Lucci before him, he was able to quickly understand the mechanics behind Luffy's Gear Second and advised Borsalino to not rely on the powers of the Pika Pika no Mi so much. He eventually participated in his first battle four years later, in the G-5 Division[6]. World Government Sweet 3 Generals: "Thousand Arms" Charlotte Cracker | During the battle with the Whitebeard Pirates, Moriah stated he does not care who wins and Boa Hancock openly attacked both Marines and pirates. As his men began loading the weapons aboard their ships, Admiral Kizaru appeared and began a deadly onslaught, destroying their ships and blowing away the Neo Marine soldiers. After his resignation and prior to becoming an extremist, he was requested to stay in the military as an instructor, and he trained many powerful cadets who would become the high ranking officers of their generation, and even after defection his legacy left many of his former disciples showing genuine remorse at having to fight their instructor, indicating he was an excellent and charismatic teacher. All-Stars: King "the Conflagration" | Mr. 3 | The crew first encountered him when he was drifting badly injured on the sea. Ain is seen watching over Z as he rested, until sometime later he meets with Kuzan singing a requiem. Mad Treasure | "The Supersonic" Van Augur | Each agent possesses different abilities and skills. He was aware of his age though, and after his final battle against Luffy he admitted that he has grown old and weak. Ex-Admiral Zephyr’s arm was cut off by a pirate with a devilfruit and he was able to slaughter everyone on the ship but 2 apprentices This fits perfectly into Weevil as Trafagar Law would be …