If you do that, and out all extra points into genetic reshuffling, the plan works like a charm. With the Plague Inc necroa virus you can spread vast devastation by creating zombies. Watch as the last few people hopelessly die. Don't worry about the cure. Your disease should be spreading like wildfire now! also the mutated symptoms alerted people who closed borders which generally made it harder, and iceland had a low infection rate so they executed the infected and closed their borders which meant i couldn't win. Manage your Game Collection, measure your progress across entire game series, even set scoring and completion goals and we'll chart your attempts at reaching them! It works, but dont forget generic reshufel and confuse... Fifth playthrough using this tutorial, followed everything, keeps getting eradicated. Follow along with this walkthrough for "Plague Inc.". It was working really well until people (particularly those in Greenland) just started dying too fast. On the normal prion I found that I had to devolve symptoms to escape detection. SKIP Blood 1 (to save DNA immediately for shuffle 2). So their is cure research. You Need to make sure, that the WHOLE Population is enfected before starting to develop deadly Symptoms all at once. I did it. Doesn't work 4 me. She can be found as enthusiast.mysticalnerdtv on Instagram and mysticalnerd on Twitch. Yeah honestly this doesn't seem to work at all except in the case of infecting everyone. There'll be a time when you think, "goddammit I'll not make it on time" but you will. Yea, unfortunately, this is one of those you gotta go at it once or twice or six times. This is another “slow and I tried it 2 times and every time the whole world gets infected and dies except for Greenland. This strategy is courtesy of Milkyway_Squid from reddit (added info is italicized), Recommended Genes: ATP Boost, Aquacyte, Sympto-stasis, Genetic Mimic, Extremophile, 2.Evolve these transmissions: Livestock 1, Livestock 2, Bird 1, Water. When all the countries are infected, evolve. I followed your instructions and when the cure was complete Greenland was still 100% healthy. I was successful at reaching genetic reshuffle 3 by DEVOLVING ALL OF TRANSMISSIONS and ABILITIES (aside from genetic hardening and genetic reshuffle). This tutorial just doesn't work anymore. Plague Inc. est un jeu vidéo disponible sur les appareils iOS et Android. Once you have reached step 18 and have put all points toward Total Organ Failure you start getting points rapidly because of deaths but however the cure would rapidly increase. Step 7. Can you infect the world? Thats all I can think of, but I hope it helps! Prion is extremely deadly even though it has a low severity rate. Build your points to 100 or until everyone is infected. Pirate Plague Prion I am trying to get the Super Sparrow achievement (get 3 bio-hazard with every disease type on Pirate Plague) and I simply cannot get 3 bio-hazard with the Prion. The cure is always reached so quickly once I get to total organ failure. THIS STRATEGY WORKS ON EVERY DIFFICULTY EXCEPT MEGA-BRUTAL (as mentioned earlier). it is not due to people not following these steps, it is down to many variables that cannot be foreseen in individual gameplay. Instead of allowing mutations, I devolved everything except for coughing and that gave me enough time and extra points to stave off the cure. Beating Prion on Normal in Plague Inc. is a little tough at first since it’s a fairly slow plague type. Ya know the only tutorials that worked for me is the FREAKIN' BACTERIA AND VIRUS. When buying the upgrades, pause the game and then upgrade. You should've had enough for all of those because if you popped all the red and orange bubbles and devolved all symptoms you should have at least twice the amount you needed. Expect that and don’t rush through your strategy. This caused cure research to start far too early. if you started in Egypt you would evolve Cold Resistance 1). Related: Plague Inc: The Cure lets players stop a plague instead of starting one Plague Inc.: Evolved has four difficulties with three being the main ones used. followed tutorial until end where I made slight change. How to unlock the Prion Master achievement in Plague Inc: Evolved: Beat Prion disease type on mega-brutal difficulty Sign up for free now to have your achievements and gaming statistics tracked. 1119 days but I had devolved all transmission and fight the cure (got to 92%) with neural atrophy 1,2 and 3 and genetic reshuffle 2, The Neural Atrophy Help stop the cure by making it hard to think. Finally beat it after smashing the keyboard like no tomorrow. Like the guide said..also in my game after I have gotten genetic resuffle 2 I had build more DNA points for another symptom. I got it at 86% only. It worked SO well, I did all of your tutorials from fungus and all worked first try. Everyone was dead and research stopped at 90%. I reached 98% world infection before new disease was receiving attention. This strategy works on mobile the best out of the three. Cured. So, the game will take a while, compared to some other plagues. Also I'd like to thank you for all your hard work. This gave me enough time to gather points for reshuffle 2 and hold the cure back. Plague Inc. Wait until every island (country) is infected, and wait for Greenland and Iceland to be about 50% infected. Apart from that, it's absolutely excellent. - I got to step 18 with everyone infected and 89 DNA points after already buying genetic reshuffle I & II so I waited and kept devolving symptoms and collecting DNA until it got to 98. The Prion plague type is the 5th unlock-able plague in Ndemic Creation's game, Plague Inc. Prion is unlocked by successfully finishing the Parasite plague in either normal or brutal difficulty (Here's a Parasite Guide on brutal difficulty). Do you mean transmition? Thank you! Never works. After this i had no more reshuffles and DNA, but luckily people were dying so research slowly increased from a couple dozen days to years. Nimm jede Plage Mission auf deinem PC auf und teile es auf Facebook und YouTube für die ganze Welt. I have done this many times and it still hasn't worked. Doctors will spot the disease and the Cure Research will begin. - Buy symptoms to get to total organ failure. I followed your instructions again and again and, after 4 times I finally made it. Evolve Cold Resistance 1, Heat Resistance 1, and Drug Resistance 1. 6. Instruction not clear, ended up making earth flat, I Melted In this prion achoochooness because theyre like killing me like 2016. Does this work on brutal? Also set the ability for making difficult Tasks hard to lvl. As soon as you get enough DNA points buy a new symptom. Don't worry about the cure. Tried this method three times and didn’t work. i’d been trying to do this for ages but failed every time so ty for the help! Cure research was on my tail so I deleted the tranmissions and resistances to research genetic reshuffle 1. I have tried this at least 5 times now and every time I try it the cure just catches up to me in seconds. Q: What are the different Plague types in Plague Inc.? Cure hit 100% again at 4 billion deaths. É desbloqueado ao concluir um jogo com a praga Parasita nas dificuldades Normal ou acima. You will get DNA which will help fund your murder. You should be gaining DNA Points by now. i completed the level with the cure 83% done. ● Strategy Guides/Virus ● Strategy Guides/Who Cares ● Strategy Guides/Who needs brains ● Strategy Guides/Who needs DEET ● Strategy Guides/Wolf Pack. Start anywhere... the best places are India, Saudi Arabia, Greenland, Egypt, Madagascar or even Norway! (For Plague Inc addicts only, ie, nothing to do with the usual stuff on my blog!) Didn’t work. cure was at 95% when it stopped moving almost lost. Unknown Origin: Prion Mega-Brutal(3 Biohazard) Guide For a list of available plague type guides for the Unknown Origin scenario, click here. Debido a la lentitud con la que infecta a la gente y tiene efecto, te Prion Master achievement in Plague Inc: Evolved: Beat Prion disease type on mega-brutal difficulty - worth 15 Gamerscore. It was a close call- the cure was 97% complete, So I have an addendum to your guide that worked for me. I did have to push Neural Atrophy to 3 to stop cure progress though. Sorry. I've tried several times. I can't seem to win. Upgrade Symptoms 5. Going to try water transmission much earlier. Still, it's possible to have a prion with a high severity rate if caution is not being taken into account. It is also considerate of the developers to not feature It will be a battle to spread your plague … Ashleign is a woodworker and yard enthusiast. The Cure devolopes WAYYYYY too damn fast. First things first: You are allowing symptoms to mutate. The cure was literally at 100 then went back to 99 and again to 100 yet i still won!!!! Evolve Nausea, Coughing, Rash, Insomnia, Cysts, and Anaemia. The most DNA points I can get after step 16 is 71 and then it outright stops. Worked great! The Plague, Inc. prion is definitely the latter. en la … Un post más sobre Plague Inc y en esta ocasión nos vamos derechos a por el Prión en la máxima dificultad: Mega Brutal. 3, stops them making the Cure as well. Catalytic Switch:That way when you blow your cover you have a steady DNA source. worked perfectly for me, boosted a few "infection" symptoms to infect everyone faster after step 12. needed both reshuffles, but ended the game 831 days cure 56% complete. - Devolve all the transmissions and abilities except genetic reshuffle. Don’t be alarmed , once you have reach enough DNA points ,put points on genetic reshuffle 1 and wait for points to build up and then finally genetic reshuffle 2. I ended up with all the hosts being killed but I lost because there were still healthy people. Upgrade Ability traits 3. Started developing symptoms as soon as Greenland (last country) was infected. I have used her tutorials for the past hour and have gotten all the way up to this disease with her help and i kept dying for days stuck at the Bacteria level. Como a infecção ocorre lentamente e seus sintomas demoram a se manifestar, é bem provável que a pesquisa de curas progrida de maneira muito mais rápida do que a doença. "Plague Inc." is a real-time strategy simulation video game, developed and published by UK-based independent games studio Ndemic Creations. Try it a third time, and if that doesn't work, we will talk it out. How do i fix this? 3. note: images above... also I would like the give a thank you for this written guide even though most of this comment is repeating what the author has written. Hmm.. The written tutorial didnt really work, cure was too quick. Plague Inc. Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. This is one the levels that changes. I'm gonna try one last time though. The video helped me a lot the step by step didn't tho but thanks :), This is actual trash of a tutorial did it 17 times never worked once and I have genetic reshuffle 3 and it still didn't work. I think the major wrinkle in this for me wasn’t allowing the mutations to occur. Deaths will not give you DNA points at first but later it does. It goes up to 50% in less than 3 minutes. Prion Victory trophy in Plague Inc: Evolved: Win a game with Prion on Normal Difficulty or higher - worth 15 Trophy XP. I've followed all your walkthroughs to the T and some may take a few times to work but they do. I'll give it another go, For people saying it didn't work and that you followed it to a T obviously you didn't. holy crap it worked and the cure reached 95%, It worked but it was a really closed game. You’ll play it similar to how you played Fungus and Parasite, but the special ability isn’t nearly as good. However, if you want, you can spend any additional points to slow the cure for a higher score. It wasn't enough. When almost all of the world is infected, evolve extremely lethal symptoms: 10. I clutched this entire 1st round! This is how. Researched Genetic Hardening 2 directly after 1. Won at 78%. Devolve any Symptom mutations 3. A: Yes. This does indeed work on mobile but these things are needed: Also, I am not sure if these two help, but I used them when I tried so I am including them. Awful guide. My prion got discovered at only 56million infections GLOBALLY. Devolved all symptoms and abilities to fight the cure, which takes less than a minute to reach 100%. 4. Once I got 100% your advice of ramping up symptoms to kill and genetic reshuffling worked like a charm. Cure research even seems to speed up. Cómo derrotar el modo brutal del prión en Plague Inc. El modo de juego prión en Plague Inc. es un desafío muy difícil, especialmente en el modo brutal. Nuestro Plague Inc. Prion Guide le guiará a través de exactamente cómo vencer la plaga prion en la normalidad. When "There`s no healthy people" pop up appears evolve (in order). I finally succeeded after trying that with the cure at 87% complete, Tried it the updated way....still didn’t even kill half the population of earth before the cure was at 100%. Plague Inc. Prion Guía Normal – Consejos sobre cómo vencer a Prion! i was reading the comments and i wasn’t sure that it was going to work or not but it did and i was so happy!! - Dan67, Speed Run/Bio-Weapon ● Speed Run/Prion ● Speed Run/Shadow Plague ● Strategy Guide/Complete Mirror Earth ● Strategy guide/Film Fanatic ● Strategy guide/Golden Age ● Strategy guide/Not Just a Pretty Face ● Strategy guide/Pirate Plague ● Strategy Guide/Shadow Plague ● Strategy guide/Shut Down Everything ● Strategy guide/Volcanic Ash ● Strategy Guide/Watery Grave ● Strategy guide/Xenophobia ● Strategy Guides/An Ape is for Life... ● Strategy Guides/Bacteria ● Strategy Guides/Banana Skin ● Strategy Guides/Big Bang ● Strategy Guides/Bio-Weapon ● Strategy Guides/Black Death ● Strategy Guides/Breathe Deep ● Strategy Guides/Chinese Nuclear Retaliation ● Strategy Guides/Chiroptophobia ● Strategy Guides/Dead End ● Strategy Guides/Don't Ask Me ● Strategy Guides/Due Diligence ● Strategy Guides/Fake News ● Strategy Guides/Frozen Virus ● Strategy Guides/Fungus ● Strategy Guides/Getting Colder ● Strategy Guides/Hide and Seek ● Strategy Guides/I am your Father ● Strategy Guides/I never asked for this ● Strategy Guides/Insane Bolt ● Strategy Guides/It's a Trap! Feel free to pick any genes that suit you, as the original author succeeded with this strategy in mega brutal with no genes). When all are infected, devolve transmission and abilities (except drug) to earn DNA and to complete shuffle and hardening. After my second attempt it worked. Find guides to this trophy here. Help me help you. All you have to do is put your additional points into genetic reshuffle 1 and genetic reshuffle 2 to prevent the cure from going 100%. I changed it up a little but got it done at 90% research the first time :). Research just shoots up like a bloody rocket. Doesn’t work I’ve done it 6 times and I always get eradicated before they all die. Sometimes you have to do this tutorial a couple of times. TIP 2: If you started in a heated climate area and noticing that infecting the population in cold climate areas (Canada, some countries in Europe) are extremely slow, then you can evolve Cold Resistance 2 at Step 6. these do take a lot of work and i appreciate your effort. So obviously you didn't follow instructions therefore it isnt her fault. Thanks for the tips.. Guide works, you don’t know the fundamentals of this game. I’m sure there is a ACTUAL way to beat this stupid plague on this difficulty. This strategy does not work if you use the mobile version. Close call I say. Tried 4 times even without mutations. ~100 infected in Greenland and they started executing the sick and beat and no way to reinfect them with closed seaports.. Step 6. I guess that the game's IA may be more complex and also adapt to what the player does. You Win. Every strategy to have ever existed for this Difficulty on Prion never works. When you get the message 'No more healthy people left in the world', you know it's time! Let's get this started! (e.g. Now i just have to wait 2 days for it to get to 1000 because of genetic hardening. Get to the heart…or rather the brain of the matter with Plague Inc prion, where you lodge your pathogen in the brains of your victims. Your pathogen has just infected 'Patient Zero'. La modalità di gioco prione di Plague, Inc. è una sfida molto impegnativa, specialmente al livello di difficoltà "brutale". Also slow cure by increasing drug resistance etc... Once 100% of population is infected started adding lethal symptoms and devolve transmission, heat and cold. At the end of the game, I followed this guide throughout everyone died but cure was went to a shockling nail biter of 85%. I won like that, should work for u too :). Does it work? I tried this 3 times and still the exact same result. The game can be played by all user-levels as its gameplay is straightforward. This should work in mega brutal as well, even if you have no genes. Le but du jeu est de créer un agent pathogène mortel et de l'utiliser pour détruire l'ensemble de la population mondiale. Despite devolving the unnecessary stuff I never regained enough DNA to do any genetic reshuffling. You will have no DNA and people will die too slow. I'm guessing I should wait until everybody is infected even if I have way more than 100 DNA points. Comes down to the crunch but works so well! The cure either gets developed too quickly or i run out of DNA to actually do anything about it since i spent so much on the contamination options. turns out Greenland was untouched and I got yeeted upon. In the future the cure percentage will already be too high to avoid. Greenland not infected before cure well under way. She has worked hard on these tutorials and doesn't deserve the bullshit i see in the comments. Everytime I had everyone infected and people dying from organ failure before cure research starts. Cured. (aggressive approach works better due to slow infection rate of prion, making stealth approach much harder in higher difficulties. It’s absolutely ridiculous. The guide Was very useful, the cure was going very fast but when i also add the Genetic Reshufful 1 2 3 the cure Stopped. Waited until everyone was infected - developed symptoms to total organ failure. Barely worked, however did in the end! I even tried to evolve Necrosis tree down when Greenland was half infected. Question: This didn't work. Esto puede ser un poco difícil, especialmente porque los países parecen tener más … Make sure you save them up for later though! The others didn't work on me. Thanks for the help! Whenever their is a symptom that had evolved with no DNA points, refund it. Plague Inc. for Windows is a strategy game that is compatible with Windows 8 and Windows 10. It is almost impossible to beat, but with this guide and possibly a few tries, you can beat it.