Their ATK Buff is already among the highest in the game on their best Teams, so they don’t need to be throwing multiple Attacks against a common Enemy type like Saiyans, but they do! Likewise, with a Super ATK that sacrifices HP, Frieza is built to lower player HP for Buffs, which requires the player to bring more Team Healers and tanks. Otherwise, he runs into similar Ki issues as his INT counterpart. While Majin Vegeta also faces similar issues, what places Broly lower on the list is his significant DEF reduction when performing a Super ATK. Should You Pull: “DOKKAN NOW!” Release Celebration, Should You Pull: Kale & Caulifla Legendary Summon, Awakened LR Nightmarish Impact - Super Saiyan Broly Extreme TEQ, Awakened LR The Androids' Journey - Androids #17 & #18/Android #16 Extreme PHY, Awakened LR The True Value of Perfect Form - Cell (Perfect Form) Extreme INT, Awakened LR Galaxy-Threatening Invasion - Full Power Boujack (Galactic Warrior) Extreme INT, Awakened LR Last-Ditch Attack - Frieza (Full Power) Extreme STR, Awakened LR The Deadly Cell Games - Cell (Perfect Form) & Cell Jr. This can be a gamble late into a fight or hard to reach on tanky Teams. Goku & Frieza need some preparation to work both due to 1/3rd of their Passive Skill being locked behind Debuffing Enemy ATK and needing to activate their Ki Links to increase Super ATK odds, but the results are well worth it. Players are usually better off using other stronger versions of, Piccolo has good DEF stats and can help his weaker allies by giving them a decent flat DEF Buff, but that’s all he has. While Frieza has the potential deal ridiculous Damage, it comes at the cost of HP and puts players in a high-risk situation in order to gain his full ATK Buffs. Broly is a monster with easy transformation conditions, incredible ATK & DEF Buffs, and great category synergy. À Noter que certaines unités ne sont pas encore disponible sur la version GLOBALE, (Ou leur dokkan). Dokkan Battle Newsn [Limitless Growth] SS2 Caulifla: Rating and Tips! Video Title: LR JP/GLOBAL TIER LIST (SEPTEMBER 2020) || Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle || LIVESTREAM HAPPENING ON 9/21 AT 7PM ON YOUTUBE. The two Universe 6 Saiyan girls make their debut in Dokkan with one of the best Team-based Passive Buffs to date. The GT Trio are surprisingly very powerful. Consider supporting GamePress and the author of this article by joining GamePress Boost! As the first LR in Dokkan Battle, Goku has very high stats for a F2P, but his Passive Skill Buffs are quite dated. This Card unleashes it’s true ATK potential once transformed and becomes quite the powerhouse. Writer for the Dokkan Battle GamePress sub-site, and always never not tired. His Passive Skill Buffs are unconditional for Super Teams and his stats are pretty good for a support. Their DEF is also lacking but they make up for that by Healing when firing Super Attacks. Coora can launch numerous Attacks in a single turn, has decent stats, and is a fine pick for Wicked Bloodlines or Resurrected Warriors. Personajes Dragon Ball Z GT SUPER ShenronZ. Keep in mind that the Tier List is an opinion based list. Boujack’s biggest flaw are his Link Skills. Players may struggle to launch his Ultra Super ATK in some situations due to his Ki Links, but this will not hold Broly back from doing what he does best. It's worth noting that it might still be worth running them in some specific events. List is fair enough, it is basically a popularity contest. Dokkan Battle Newsn [Limitless Growth] SS2 Caulifla: Rating and Tips! The problem is that they only have ATK Buffs, their Super ATK effects aren’t very good, and their Damage will vary a lot due to RNG. One flaw is that his Links Skills have the most synergy with other Cell Cards, but the biggest flaw is the 30% HP restriction. That is far too unreliable to use in most Game Modes. It certainly doesn’t help that he becomes dead weight against Peppy Gals Enemies. They are very strong both Offensively and Defensively if you have all the pieces. The best of the best, these Cards are uniquely powerful, offering devastating effects that allow them to function as a key player for many Teams in all game modes of Dokkan. With thousands of units in the game, it’s overwhelming to know who to throw in your team to beef it up, which is why tier lists are great: they give you an idea of where you stand and where you should aim to … They also have an extra Attack per turn, with extra Ki that making it really easy to start stacking Buffs. While pre-Transformation he’s built more for DEF, Cell's ATK is exceptional. These Cards excel in numerous situations and any drawbacks are made up for by their overall performance. He’s also a strong tank if he gets off a Super ATK before being Attacked, and is the premium leader for Goku’s Family Team. Writer for the Dokkan Battle GamePress sub-site, and always never not tired. Trunks is also in a lot of categories. This Tier List ranks Cards based on the following factors: Performance in tougher events like Infinite Dragon Ball History or Super Battle Road, Performance within their role as Damage, Tank, or Support, Performance at max Level, Hidden Potential, and Super ATK. Metal Coora performs surprisingly well for a F2P Card, and can still find some use under the right leader since his own Leader Skill isn’t the best. It’s really bad to get DEF penalties when you’re already low on HP and on top of all that, his Links are really bad. Z Warriors and allies appear in their highest form! Crédit pour Utilisateur:Arale68 pour son excellent travail sur son gdoc Présentation des meilleures unités gratuites sur Dokkan Battle, version JAP et GLOBALE. Most of the time Baby will be able to tank hits and deal decent Damage with a consistent 100% ATK & DEF Buff, when up against non-Pure Saiyan or Hybrid Saiyan Enemies. Goku is an amazing Card with very high ATK from the get-go, DEF Buffs that build over time, and easy Ki collection. These Cards are strong but outperformed by other Cards. The OG duo of Dragon Ball have very restrictive conditions for their Passive Skill but, while people tend to sleep on Youth and Dragon Ball Cards, their Team is actually really powerful and can clear most hard stages. Players are usually better off using other stronger versions of SSJ Goku. Writer for Gamepress Dokkan Battle website, Dragon Ball enthusiast and always playing way too many gacha games. Bee Pan is a weird Card with her own unique gimmick: She can Heal a lot. However in their base form, the android trio are a powerful support Card with a versatile toolkit. 1: 103: December 16, 2019 Wicked Bloodlines Team Buides ... tier-list, extreme-lr-tier-list. Dokkan Battle Reroll Tier List; PHY LR Characters; Content. Each team's section is divided into two tiers. Caulifla & Kale make for a very consistent and reliable pair. ... Dokkan Battle! DBFZ. Not the best LR but for a F2P Card, there isn’t much to complain about. His DEF is pretty bad, though, but he makes up for it in raw Damage. Another great F2P Card, Goku & Arale can dish out a lot of Damage due to their extra Ki and ATK Passive Skill Buffs. Thanks to his Passive Skill ATK & DEF Buff, Cell can take and deal Damage pretty well. These are strong Cards in general that don’t quite make it to the top. As one of the best F2P Cards in the game, Vegito has a simple Passive Skill for good survivability, Damage, and stacking ATK and DEF Buffs from his 12 Ki Super ATK. These kids have a unique transformation that happens only when they Super ATK. Each Tier List an be edited seperately. Despite being an older Card, Goku Black & Zamasu still hold up today thanks to their consistent Healing and tanking. On top peak stats, these two also a strong Passive Skill that separately stack ATK and DEF every time they Attack, giving them +58% at 0 Super ATKs and up to +216% after. Dokkan Battle LR Tier List (May 2020 Edition) Dokkan Battle LR Gacha Tier List (as of February 2021) Dokkan Fest Exclusive Tier List 2020. For a majority of events, this Card will act as an incredible tank more than a heavy hitter. A Tier: Lr Androids Lr Ginyu Goku Lr Frieza 1st Form Lr Goku 1000 days Lr Ssj Goku Lr Hercule. A Terrible Leader Skill, no Damage, no Super ATK effects, and one of the worst Link Skill sets in the game make Piccolo very hard to use. Gohan obliterates Dokkan Punch Machine while being a great damage dealer for any of his categories. update 03/01/2018. Table of contents. Goku can Attack or Defend but has a hard time doing both at once. This Tier List ranks the top Extreme LR Cards in Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle. Que c'est de la merde car on l'a déjà vu cette tier list. Bardock has fair stats and good Buffs, but he doesn’t really work well in his category Teams and his Passive Skill restrictions limit his potential. Goku fares well compared to other supports, even if he’s not a good LR on his own. - Goku Super INT, Awakened LR The Original Golden Duo - Goku (Youth) & Bulma (Youth) Super AGL, Awakened LR Hidden Majin Power - Uub (Teen) Super TEQ, Awakened LR Thousandfold Plea - Goku Super STR, Awakened LR Lupine Awakening - Yamcha & Puar Super PHY, Awakened LR Alternate Ending - Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) Super AGL, Awakened LR Everlasting Legend - Super Saiyan Goku Super TEQ, Awakened LR Unwavering Bond - Tien & Chiaotzu Super AGL, Awakened LR Extraordinary Friendship - Hercule Super TEQ, Awakened LR Grand Opening - Team Bardock Super INT, Awakened LR Brazen Courage - Gohan (Kid) Super PHY, Awakened LR Budding Heart - Piccolo Super INT, Awakened UR Red-Hot Martial Artist - Paikuhan Super AGL, Awakened UR The Supreme Warrior - Super Gogeta Super STR, SSR Cultivated Ability - Super Saiyan Trunks (GT) AGL. This category has many good Teammates for these two. Dokkan LR Tier List. Tier List: Extreme STR. As a leader, he’s strong and versatile but he lacks a lot in other areas, particularly Defenses. Also I put gogeta above vegito, since he's better when there unfused (which is 90% of the time) and his unfused 18ki SA is a million times better. Dragon Ball Super Saiyan Forms . 2 Super UR Tier List 3 Super LR Tier List 4 Team Guides 5 EZA Tier List 6 Venerable Master Roshi 7 Extreme UR Tier List 8 Top Tier Universe Survival Saga Team Guide 9 Beginner's Ticket Tier List 10 Top Tier Fusion Team Guide alext96 - May 11, 2020. Unfortunately, Tien & Chiaotzu need a lot of Ki to activate their Passive Skill, and the small flat bonus Buffs they get do not justify the investment. What holds the Android Trio back are the restrictions on their Active Skill, that requires this Card to be alongside Android allies, since this Card is far better when their Exchange is active. He's a very simple Card to use, do not require a lot of support, has no transformations and no restrictions, meaning he's always ready to fight. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Dokkan Battle related. Best Teams Dokkan Battle Global OCT 2019 (SSJ) If any new LRs/Units that will be announced, they will be included in the NOV Best Teams video. Don’t worry, this team is way better than my jokes so don’t lose hope. What makes him slightly worse compared to Goku is that he ATK and DEF Buffs after firing his 18 Ki move, while his 12 Ki only gives him ATK, making him worse in more difficult Stages. Please read the instructions before editing. Extreme Z-Battle: Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell Guide, The World Tournament Exclusive Yamcha gets some surprisingly powerful flat stat Buffs, but his Super ATK is required to activate them and he lacks Ki Links. The Android trio hits hard, supports Android allies, can dodge ATKs, and tanks with ease, making them a powerful Card to have. Is it surprising? Consider using other. The original SSJ2 Gohan still has his niche of being one of the strongest Nukers in the game. Required templates: Tier List, Changelog and Tier List Nav. This is a collection of all the Tier List. His high Critical Hit Rate aged like fine wine and only gets better the more dupes you have. This means he’ll be firing Super ATKs left and right. He’s a great Card for both easy and harder Game Modes. His transformation is powerful but incredibly hard to activate, as it can only be consistently activated on the Android/Cell Saga category. Copyright (C) GamePress All Rights Reserved. However, all that hard work pays off as they are among the strongest units in the game. Broly pui et tec dans le même tier, les LR des 5ans au même niveau que SV. They are also the premium leader of a powerful category with a lot of extra Ki. Hercule has a 70% chance to either have an okay Passive Skill, or 30% of no Passive Skill at all. Extreme PHY, The True Value of Perfect Form - Cell (Perfect Form), Awakened LR Indestructible Saiyan Evil - Legendary Super Saiyan Broly Extreme STR, Awakened LR Merciless Condemnation - Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) & Zamasu Extreme TEQ, Awakened LR Ultimate Malign Being - Super Baby 2 (Giant Ape) Extreme AGL, Awakened LR Beyond the Ferocious Flash - Majin Vegeta Extreme AGL, Awakened LR Overwhelming Army - Metal Cooler Army Extreme INT, Awakened LR Reign of Terror - Frieza (1st Form) Extreme STR, Awakened LR Awakened Saiyan Blood - Super Saiyan Vegeta Extreme INT, Awakened UR Red-Hot Martial Artist - Paikuhan Super AGL, Awakened LR Apex of Supreme Saiyan Power - Super Saiyan 4 Goku Super AGL, Awakened LR Miracle-Making Super Saiyan - Super Saiyan Goku Super AGL, Awakened LR Two Makes the Strongest of All Universes - Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla & Super Saiyan 2 Kale Super AGL, Awakened LR Unrivaled Saiyan's Peak - Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta Super STR, Awakened UR The Supreme Warrior - Super Gogeta Super STR, SSR Cultivated Ability - Super Saiyan Trunks (GT) AGL, Awakened LR Awakened True Power - Super Saiyan Gohan (Youth) Super AGL. Guide Tips And Cheats On How To Play In Dragon Ball Z. Dokkan Battle Visual Tier List Universe Survival Saga. Currently Subscribed to … These Cards have underwhelming toolkits and are often not worth filling a Team space with when there are much better alternatives. update 30/12/2017. The World Tournament Exclusive Yamcha gets some surprisingly powerful flat stat Buffs, but his Super ATK is required to activate them and he lacks Ki Links. 2) PHY LR Gogeta - my favorite since he came out, would always take as friend before I got him 3) AGL Gogeta Blue 4) AGL LR SS4 Goku 5) STR LR SS4 Vegeta 6) INT LR Vegito 7) AGL SSBE Vegeta 8) INT LR Boujack 9) STR LR Vegito Blue F2P 10) INT LR GT Trio/AGL LR Baby - tie Honorable mentions: PHY DBS Broly, STR LR Broly (my first LR) and TEQ God Goku This Card performs incredibly well with Android allies thanks to their support Passive and Link Skills. They're also more situational and may not perform as well in every situation because of this. This Card works particularly well with other Beerus Cards that activate most of his Links. Dokkan Battle Tier List - 2020 Edition Why not read this up to get a leg up in the game? B Tier: Lr Picollo Lr Gohan From SBR Lr Ginyu Lr Tien And Chiaotzu. The climax of the Tournament of Power gifted us one of the hardest hitting Cards in Dokkan’s history. Trunks is very situational because most of his Offensive power and all of his Defenses require him to be fighting two or more Enemies. This Tier List ranks the top Super LR Cards in Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle ... As the first LR in Dokkan Battle, Goku has very high stats for a F2P, but his Passive Skill Buffs are quite dated. With flat ATK Buffs and poor DEF options, what keeps this Card semi-viable is his high ATK stats. Gohan is the main leader of the versatile Kamehameha category, which features some of Dokkan’s strongest Cards. There aren't many Cards in Dokkan as easy to pick and place in a Team like this one. Likewise, he’s the best Link Skill partner for The True Value of Perfect Form - Cell (Perfect Form). This LR Tier List ranks Cards by the following factors: Performance in high difficulty Game Modes like Super Battle Road or Infinite Dragon Ball History. Summon rates for them are however very low, and we don't recommend you to aim to get them. PHY SUPER (2018 - ) PHY SUPER; However, in a Wicked Bloodlines or Planet Namek Saga Team and with enough Ki, he can still perform okay. This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. They have high DEF and dodge chance, and stack DEF on Super ATK. In the World Tournament, this Broly is a monster. The Cards here are exceptionally powerful and are usually center pieces in their Teams.. The higher your HP, the more Damage he deals and the lower your HP, the better his Defenses. On paper, at his max potential gives him very high Damage output but in practice, he struggles to get the 18 Ki he needs to activate his ATK Buff.
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