L'appareil de contrôle d'Internet en Chine est considéré comme plus étendu et plus avanc… [citation needed] As of October 2012, Weibo's censored words include "Tank Man. China, Internet Freedom, and U.S. Policy Congressional Research Service Some experts argue that support for counter-censorship technology, which has long dominated the U.S. effort to promote global Internet freedom, has had an important but limited impact. This article looks at the Chinese regulatory authorities that are in charge of investigating Internet-related … Furthermore, users are becoming increasingly open in their mockery of them by actively using homophones to avoid censorship. Il est donc possible pour les utilisateurs chinois de télécharger le navigateur Tor[145]. Last Tuesday, Chinese state media service Xinhua reported something interesting: soon, China will station police officers in the offices of some of China’s biggest internet companies. [10], Amnesty International notes that China has "the largest recorded number of imprisoned journalists and cyber-dissidents in the world"[11] and Reporters Without Borders stated in 2010 and 2012 that "China is the world's biggest prison for netizens." Toutefois, certains proxy bien connus sont bloqués. China built itself a veritable “Great Firewall” over the years, with a system of online censorship and social media restrictions that has created an alternative internet for those within China. [129] At a TED conference, Michael Anti gives a similar reason for the government's lack of enforcement against these internet memes. [146] In addition to not wanting any kind of online euphemism for the Communist Party's general secretary,[149] the Chinese government considers that the caricature undermines the authority of the presidential office as well as the president himself, and all films, TV series, or toys related to Winnie the Pooh have been banned in China. ... Further, we advise you to report the case with the local police. le Hong Kong Police Force à Hong Kong ;; le Macau Security Force à Macao [102][103] Another reason suggested for the block is that activists can utilize them to organize themselves. La Chine 中国 (Zhongguó), pays de l'Asie orientale, est le sujet principal abordé sur ce guide en ligne ; celui-ci est mis à jour pour et par des passionnés depuis 2001.Cependant, les autres pays d'Asie du sud-est ne sont pas oubliés avec en outre le Japon, la Corée, l'Inde, … Une partie du blocage consiste à filtrer les résultats de recherche de certains termes sur les moteurs de recherche chinois. Le propriétaire du blog wuqing.org déclare ainsi « Je suis aussi en maintenance »[101]. Certains des microblogueurs les plus populaires de RPC ont ainsi été arrêtés. En 2002, le travail préliminaire du GFC a déjà coûté près de 800 millions de dollars[49]. Le PDC est alors immédiatement interdit et de nombreux arrestations et emprisonnements sont effectués[9]. Anti explains that this is to guide and generate public opinions that favor the government and to criticize enemies of the party officials. The Ordinance regulation further led to the Security Management Procedures in Internet Accessing issued by the Ministry of Public Security in December 1997. [3] These measures also inspired the policy's nickname, the "Great Firewall of China". La police de Net surveille en permanence les internautes chinois. L'expérience a montré que les sites les plus souvent bloqués sont Bloomberg, le New York Times, South China Morning Post, Wall Street Journal, Facebook et Twitter[74]. Le site Internet de Tor est bloqué lorsqu'il est consulté avec le protocole HTTP, mais reste disponible en HTTPS. », « la reconnaissance vocale et faciale, la télévision en circuit fermé... [et] des enregistrements de crédits », « filtrer la pornographie sur Internet. [28], The Central Government of China started its internet censorship with three regulations. The document states, "Laws and regulations prohibit the spread of information that contains content subverting state power, undermining national unity [or] infringing upon national honor and interests." Les sites Internet de médias étrangers tels que Yahoo! [122] The government, therefore, prevents people on the internet from "divulging state secrets, subverting state power and jeopardizing national unification; damaging state honor" and "disrupting social order and stability. China to build modern logistics: Chinese vice premier to head for Russia for meeting: China, ASEAN sign MoU on disaster management: China reduces small business tax bill by 3.7 bln yuan: Chinese FM urges advancement of new type of China-U.S. relations: Chinese premier vows better institutional environment, IPR … In 2017, a man was sentenced to five and a … L'étude révèle que les censeurs suppriment rapidement les mots avec une signification politiquement controversée (par exemple qingci 请辞 « appeler quelqu'un à démissionner », réfère aux appels lancés au ministre du Train Sheng Guangzu à démissionner après la collision des trains à Wenzhou le 23 juillet 2011), mais également que le taux de messages supprimés est irrégulier selon les régions (53 % au Tibet, 52 % à Qinghai, 12 % à Pékin et 11,4 % à Shanghai). Rupert Murdoch a déclaré que les avancées opérées en termes de technologie de communication constituent une « menace ambigüe pour les régimes totalitaires où qu'ils soient »[127]. [199] Reuters reported that China's state newspaper has expanded its online censoring business. [121], The Chinese government censors internet materials related to the 1989 Tiananmen Square protest. Le gouvernement de la RPC défend ses droits à censurer Internet en déclarant que le pays a le droit de gouverner Internet selon ses propres règles à l'intérieur de ses frontières. Internet censorship in the People's Republic of China (PRC) affects both publishing and viewing online material. The political and ideological background of Internet censorship is considered to be one of Deng Xiaoping's favorite sayings in the early 1980s: "If you open a window for fresh air, you have to expect some flies to blow in. Political Communication. How U.S. Tech Giants Are Helping to Build China’s Surveillance State A nonprofit led by Google and IBM executives is working with Semptian, whose technology is monitoring the internet … The second part began in 2006 and ended in 2008. However, access to the New York Times was denied again in December 2008. Un exemple est le New York Times qui a été débloqué quand les journalistes ont demandé dans un entretien à Jiang Zemin, les raisons du blocage, celui-ci a répondu qu'il allait s'en occuper. The WeChat Lockdown [124] In 2019, on the 30th anniversary of the protest, China's AI censors crank up. Danish Police Les sites Internet sans licence qui souhaitent diffuser des informations ne peuvent reprendre que des informations déjà diffusées publiquement par d'autres sites autorisés. Attempting to search for censored keywords in these Chinese search engines will yield few or no results. Il affirme que la vraie menace apparaîtra lorsque les « masses riantes » deviendront des « masses pensantes organisées » en mesure de concurrencer directement le pouvoir du gouvernement[103]. Weibo censure donc par exemple la chanson du chanteur de Hong Kong Thomas Chow appelée 自由花 (Les Fleurs de la liberté)[97]. La pratique est répandue, au moins chez les jeunes à l'aise en informatique. Blogger Grey One suggests users trying to disguise VPN usage forward their VPN traffic through port 443 because this port is also heavily used by web browsers for HTTPS connections. Technorati, a search engine for blogs, has been blocked. Les bannissements de sites paraissent le plus souvent non coordonnés et événementiels, avec des sites bloqués et d'autres aux contenus similaires autorisés. [108], In 2012, First Monday published an article on "political content censorship in social media, i.e., the active deletion of messages published by individuals. Violators could face a fine of up to CNY 15,000 (roughly US$1,800). In early 2020, Vietnamese writer Bui Thanh Hieu told Marina Mai, a freelancer based in Berlin, that he was closing his blog to protect his family. Currently, the block is mostly circumvented by using proxy servers outside the firewall and is not difficult to carry out for those determined to do so. Cyprus Police . The authorities periodically detain and even jail Internet users for politically sensitive comments, such as calls for a multiparty democracy or accusations of impropriety by local officials. The effect is barely visible on the picture, but the recipient can extract it with the right software". Tagged under Police Officer, Cartoon, Peoples Police Of The Peoples Republic Of China, Internet Police, Public Security. [124] Netizens also reported that microblogging services including Fanfou and Xiaonei (now known as Renren) were down with similar messages that claim that their services were "under maintenance" for a few days around the anniversary date. A white paper released in June 2010 reaffirmed the government's determination to govern the internet within its borders under the jurisdiction of Chinese sovereignty. Ainsi, en respect des lois, Microsoft a commencé à censurer les blogs MSN Spaces. Selon le MSP, son but est de construire un réseau de communication et un système d'information pour la police, afin d'en améliorer la capacité et l'efficacité. [126] The dictionary website Wordku.com voluntarily took its site down with the claim that this was because of the "Chinese Internet Maintenance Day". "[79] This appears questionable, as the e-mail provider Gmail is blocked, and it cannot be said to fall into any of these categories. La censure d'Internet en RPC est comparée à « une panoptique qui encourage l'auto-censure à travers la perception que les utilisateurs sont surveillés en permanence[24]. Digitpol, a Cyber Crime Investigation Agency provides operational and forensic support to firms that have fallen victim to BEC fraud, email fraud, invoice fraud and the stolen funds have been wired to bank accounts in Hong Kong. [124] Netizens in China claimed that many Chinese web services were temporarily blocked days before and during the anniversary. [58], Fines and short arrests are becoming an optional punishment to whoever spreads undesirable information through the different Internet formats, as this is seen as a risk to social stability. [52][53][54] As of 2006, the pledge had been signed by more than 3,000 entities operating websites in China. Reporters sans frontières suspecte que certains régimes tels que Cuba, le Zimbabwe et la Biélorussie aient obtenu des technologies de surveillance de la part de la Chine[122]. Certaines recherches relatives aux manifestations sur les sites Internet chinois ne retournent désormais plus de page blanche, mais des résultats que le gouvernement a « sélectionnés avec soin »[112] ces méthodes subtiles utilisées par la censure gouvernementale peut laisser penser aux utilisateurs que les résultats de leur recherche n'ont pas été censurés[112]. In 2013, he fled to Germany, but continued writing… Police Department . The company's net income in 2018 has risen 140 percent. [36][37] In February 2006, Google, in exchange for equipment installation on Chinese soil, blocked websites which the Chinese government deemed illegal. As of July 2016, 730,723,960 people (53.2% of the country's total population) were internet users. Hillary Clinton a demandé des explications au gouvernement chinois concernant ces attaques informatiques[80]. », « notre logiciel n'est tous simplement pas capable d'espionner les utilisateurs d'internet, il s'agit uniquement d'un filtre. Des chercheurs de l'université de Californie à Davis et de l'université du Nouveau-Mexique affirment que le système de censure n'est pas un réel firewall puisque du contenu banni est parfois capable de circuler via plusieurs routeurs ou à travers tout le système sans être bloqué[24]. [87], In the second half of 2009, the social networking sites Facebook and Twitter were blocked, presumably because of containing social or political commentary (similar to LiveJournal in the above list). As of 2019 more than sixty online restrictions had been created by the Government of China and implemented by provincial branches of state-owned ISPs, companies and organizations. [125][clarification needed], In 2009 the Guardian wrote that Chinese netizens responded with subtle protests against the government's temporary blockages of large web services.
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