Maybe your phone module is broken/disconnected so it does not work and can not be updated. Without the engine running, but power on this never worked for me. Maybe your bluetooth module does not require CD2 to be installed. Please if there is any help 15.7 Can you please help me exit? If CD2 does not indicate any pending updates then skip to CD3. Because when everything is done my software is updated to 5150 not to 5570. Each MMI 2G software update brought stability and performance fixes for bluetooth, GPS navigation, amplifier, radio & TV tuner. Low … Hi Would this update work for my system? I have an iPod touch (5th gen) and attach it using an Audi 30 pin cable (4F0051510AG) and an Apple lightning adapter. This step is necessary only if you are running a software version lower than 5150. Don’t use downloaded software/firmware as it can damage your car. This instruction mentions in subtitle: MMI 2G software update version EU 5150 / USA 3360 / Russia 5540 – procedure for CD1, MMI 2G software update version EU 5570 / US 4610 / Russia 6030 for CD3. Hi i have successfully update my mmi from 0770 to 5570. Hi, i have an AUDI Q3 My 2012 European model without navigator (only 1 SD slot), my MMI software is: RMC EU P11474, if i upgrade to the latest versione 5570 i will have in the green menù the “CAR” function and i will can activate the battery level ? The Upgrade procedure. Audi A6 BiTdi Avant, A5 Cab, A3 E-Tron plus a few others Maybe don’t have some modules for 5570? This is needed only if your car is equipped with bluetooth handsfree system. My A8 mmi version is 0770 can i use the 3 cds to upgrade to 5570 directly to 5570. We are not responsible for any loss or damage. Thanks. interfacebox c6stdplus_0010 – Done! Original Audi MMI 2G EU Software Update Version 5570 for A6 A8 Q7 3CDs + Guide. run the 5570 update again. Updating MMI (by LoCal) 15.7.2009 (updated 24.1.2010) - Here are brief instructions by LoCal for updating MMI High (MMI 2G) to current version 5570. i’m glad i find ur site. … The problem is that my CD changer is not working anymore so I am not able to use the CDs for upgrade. The car has no NAV, rear camera, Bluetooth or hands-free feature. Update CD content will be verified. Mmi 5570 Deutsch – RapidShareMix – Search for Shared Files AUDI - MMI 2G HIGH - CD's Software / Firmware. I have had hit and miss playback and the “no playable tracks folder” on and off for a long time. With the original Audi MMI Update CDs, you bring all control units involved in the MMI up to the latest software version Original MMI update for AUDI A6 4F, A8 4E, Q7 4L to 5570 To be able to use KUFATEC in full range, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. Thanks! Regards. Bin unschlüssig ob ich das Update durchführen soll auch 5570. This is untouched and full firmware update to version 5570. Pack contains zip of CD’s files the full software/firmware update, Pack contains zip of the files the full software/firmware update, This is untouched and full firmware update to version 5570, Audi MMI 2G High – 5570– Europe (A6 – Q7 – A8), Your email address will not be published. When update is complete, .. . Do this at your own risk! I have 07 Audi Q7. I think updating my software on my 2007 Audi C6 Avant and enabling battery monitor has caused a problem where the car now does not go into standby and or shut down electrical components which is causing my battery to slowly drain overnight causing a low battery warning every morning and no exterior and interior lights on dark mornings. Or update to 5150, then fit Fiscon, then do BT update on CD2 and finally CD3? For sure you don’t have MMI 2G system which was available only in A4, A5, A6, A8 and Q7. Use all 3 CDs. Be the first to review “Audi MMI 2G – 5570 Update software” Cancel reply. Thanks. Thanks. 2008 Audi A5 will most likely have a 3G system. How to identify the system: The MMI 2G HIGH system can be identified as follows Update CD's - version 1110 to 5570 - Car models A4 A5 A6 A8 Q7. When I try to update with cd2 (BT device) I get the message that no device selected for update. Is it possible to run navigator from SD slot and music listen from DVD? Navigation announcements muted while phone call. You have to do it twice since first update procedure will erase bluetooth device memory. Tried to unplug the “AMI-cable” but that didn’t help. Otherwise it wont work. But i have a fault code on the sound module 02084 component protection no or incorrect basic setting/adaptation static. AUDI MMI HIGH 2G A6(4F), S6(4F), RS6(4F), A8(4E), Q7(4L) – European. Could you explain me what else I can try. 5. Hello,how can i open hidden green menu without conection to pc. AMI support for ACC and WAV files over USB. This step is necessary only if you are currently running software version lower than 5150. where can I buy/download language packs? I have Audi A* 2006, with MMI 2g high, bluetooth etc. MMI 2G software update version EU 5570 / US 4610 / Russia 6030 Perform the update procedure using CD3. It written on the Cd cover. Eighter by using disk and CD changer or with Audi diagnostic tool (VAS). If you loose BT connection when turning off the car, you should visit electric workshop and check if BT module is powered correctly. Then empty the CD changer, place CD1 in slot 1, restart the MMI using three button combination (it’s here on the blog), when it start press and hold SETUP and RETURN, select SWUpdate and check if the CD will work. It shouldn’t be expensive. It is all right ???. Great site. Local Audi dealer charge £189+VAT so I do not really want do it with theme. Many thanks, Hello I have Audi A8 D3(2003). Hi. Hallo zusammen, ich belsese mich nun schon seit einigen Tagen und dachte ich werde schlau daraus was dem aber nicht so ist: Ich habe in meinem A4 Avant B8 Bj 2008/09 ein MMI 2G. Please verify if your update CD data is not corrupt. Does it mean, I have US 4610 already, so I only need to run CD3 ? I try to update but get error metaininfo.txt in line 2269, try with cd version 3360 and get no disk loaded. You can enter hidden red menu (press and hold both SETUP and RETURN buttons), then go to Interfacebox → SW-index. The car has bT enable for Phone calling. I followed the steps you mentioned in this site, but I fail to enter. Can I update from 1190 straight to 5150 or should I do another version first. Just bought Audi A6 2007 which has MMI 2G High and which is running version 4220. Birdview bei meinem Naiv zu nutzen. You most likely don’t have MMI system but Audi Concert, Chorus or Symphony. 1. Pack contains zip of the files the full software/firmware update. Go to CD3. Part Number: 4L0-998-961 Pack contains 3 ISO CD image files the full software/firmware update Audi MMI 2G - 5570 Update software - The Audi manual on this says that a backup power source should be connected to your battery, instead of this most people just leave the engine running. When updating my A8 MMI HIGH gen 2 to 5570 I get the following message: “Audi mmi, following device is not in download mode: AMI”. Amp. That’s why some options are missing, BT does not work… Hello, i’m stuck informação cd2 for more transferência 2 hours. Ich habe gelesen das dafür das MMI 2G auf Version 5570 Aktualisiert werden muss. I have inserted the first cd and have Bootloader (234>240) and Application (2120>5151) ticked…how can I tell if the update is actually happening? Hi, I have a Q3 2014 model…It has a NAV button on the MMI but it says it is disabled. any suggestions. My 2002 A8 currently does not have blue tooth functionality, will updating the software remedy that? Hey i have a 2005 a6 4.2 my current software is 1070 what are my steps to upgrade to 5570 ? If not you should get a refund from whoever sold you those CDs. MMI 2G high uses full-color 16:9 7” screen. Hi, I have SW: B8-HU 51.7.0 0741 i tried by removing the battery for 15 mins but still same, any suggestion? from where i can get the 3 CD mentionned in updating the MMI? I have DVD and two SD slots but I can listen music if I have navigator on. The update will take you all on the MMI control units involved on the latest software version. Hello. I updated my audi a6 2006, but i used the 2nd cd only one time, now bluetooth aint working anymore, i tried to repeat the update again, but now even with cd 1 the update doesnt start. in der dritten Zeile: „SW-Index: 5570“ Original Audi MMI Update CDs auf den MMI Softwarestand 5570 Nutzen auch Sie die Vorteile der neuesten … „MMI 2G Update auf 5570“ weiterlesen First one will update your MMI to 5150, second is for handsfree system, third will update it to 5570. Everything can be added. I have try to make the update to the A6 of my father, CD1 seem to go well, but after the reboot, I cannot access to the update menu anymore (setup-return)! I bought an A5 from the US market and the maps , software is from that country. You can quick look for a 0000000 coding. Turn the key to position II and wait for the Audi Multi Media Interface to start. Any help would be appreciated. You can please tall me wer the bluetooth module is located in my car q7 2007 BUG 3.otdi quattro .and if ican upgrede the vesion i had 34.5.0, I keep getting error on Epatch.bin 176 error. AUDI MMI HIGH 2G A6(4F), S6(4F), RS6(4F), A8(4E), Q7(4L) – European. You need to access hidden green menu and enable all missing features according to your cars equipment. Any advice? Navigation notifications are off while a phone call is in progress. MMI 2G software update version EU 5150 / USA 3360 / Russia 5540 – procedure. I cant even get green menu either. This is an optional equipment – not all Q7 have bluetooth. It says initializing pheripheral and then for a second in contact With pheripheral. It will be older 2005 software release. Any idea what might be causing that? Also some new features were introduced with Audi Multi Media Interface updates, like GPS map 3D view from software version no. This update CD is EU version for mmi system of A6. List of devices ready for update will appear on the screen. Is it possible to do the upgrade using ODB2 or through connecting a USB flash to the AMI Q7 Discussion - MMI 2G 5570 Update - For those of you wanting to get the latest update it took me a while to find the cd's after soaurcing instructions but after trawling for about an hour i found everything in the end, Instructions: MMI 2G software update to version 5570 - Hi I have the second cd don’t seem to be working even tho I have Bluetooth. Good morning. It cost like 10$ and you don’t need to worry about improperly burned CDs that will damage your MMI. A8 (4E), A6 (4F. Thank You! Convenient switching between media sources. Hi, i have a 08 q7 ,I have following to update mmi from 5150 to 5570 with the 3rd Cd, but it keeps opening file to unlock a lot of files over 24 hrs still not yet finish the update, what’s wrong I missed, I am dare to stop it , but I don,t know how long I need to wait and I wanted to know how many files need to open? When I update it with last version for 5570 something wrong. If you need to know more about it, check out our. Can I change the software to the ureopean version by myself? You’ll need BT module, microphone, some wiring (if your car is missing it) and diagnostic interface to code it. Turn the key to position II and wait for Audi Multi Media Interface to start. and the car ive got is audi a6 2005 with MMI 2g high. I dont know if i have..but im sure that i have the microphon and the optional telphon ander the right hand … Followed instructions but no update after an hour so gave up! I have a 2006 Audi A8. Thank you. Dear viewer, The Endless MotorWorks team is proud to present to you the definite guide for updating the MMI 2G or MMI 3G in your Audi. If you have installed aftermarket language pack it will be overwritten. 3460. This step is necessary only if you are currently running software version lower than 5150. Wait couple minutes for the software to be installed. My Q7 is 2007 model, now untill i fix or buy new bose audio i cannot access the MMI to check my MMI version. Can i update my audi a8 d3 from version 0770 directly to 5570 using the 3 CDs 4L0998961without any intermediate update. Apparently not all BT modules needed CD2 update. But not without turning the engine on. It also show 0 N.D the 1 N.D … but nothing seems to work. If you can find empty coding, then try you have to analyze all modules. Steve, My car is audi a8 d3 2003 with mmi version 0770 . If the drive and discs are both OK, then it should just work. Even if bluetooth is installed. I am having issue with the radio drawing voltage and someone said if I update the firmware it will fix the issue. Updates with success! £18.25. Hello I have Audi Q7, have a problem when comes to CD2 and try to start download for the 2nd time it states “no device is selected for updating” . Why is this problem? You can buy those CDs from your Audi dealer. $25.30. Thema Audi 2G MMI Update 5570 4L0 998 961 A6 A8 Q7 amp 8K0 998 AUDI Update Software CD V 5570 MMI 2G High A6 4F A8 4E Q7 4L Version. Is this possible? Original Audi MMI 2G RUS Software Update Version 6030 for A4, A5, A6, A8, Q7. thanks ; Is this also for AUDI A1 with MMI, and can i put the update a SD CARD? hi i cant open my green hiden menu why is not working audi a8 2006, Please read this: ENABLE MMI HIDDEN GREEN MENU (2G, 3G, 3G+), Please tell me how to code the mmi 2g of audi a8 d3 to support optical parking display as i have already recode the parking module if you update while driving you’re risking the CD to skip track and bricking your MMI. You don’t need, but you can install 5570. . HI Great instructions Hi, how do I know if I have the high or low 2g MMI? How do u enable the parking signstuff after update? thank you. Unload your CD player of all disks . Sorry. hi , am have 3 cd original , update sw first cd 350 to 390 , how to update last new version ??? the software version is 2740. is it expensive? Sometimes it is fine and plays without any problems while sometimes it says the device does not have any playable tracks, or it might show some tracks but then freeze when I try to play them. Hi. Do i need the update ‘4L0-998-961 5570’ PLS HELP. AUDI MMI HIGH 2G A6(4F), S6(4F), RS6(4F), A8(4E), Q7(4L) – European. Turn the key to position II and wait for the Audi Multi Media Interface to start. Auch das die Bässe der B&O Anlage … Kind regards Check you current software version and confirm that it is lower than 5570. 3460. Having said that when I went through the tutorial it recognised the cd rom and got to the point where display said software update do not use electric stuff (or words to that effect). For me it says that “Metainfo cannot be annalysed” when i do put 1st or any of those three discs. Thanks a lot in advance! Hi, -> Everything needed is auto selected, so you can just proceed the update
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