Discussion Starter • #1 • Jun 1, 2012. So, if this fish is truly a hybrid, it’s a first hybrid for me and a rarity in being female. . 45289 Essen- Ruhrhalbinsel. The back story was interesting also. 3 Welse zum Tausch vorhanden . 14 Things You Should Know, Yes. Cross between a Silver Sailfin Molly and a yellow grass guppy. Potamotrygon Black Diamond hybriden BD leopoldi henlei P14 Rochen. 'Cardinal' Endler Hybrid. It limits the progress of the new hybrid species. Is guppy and molly hybrid possible? Keeping… Read more…, Black Orchid Betta Care | Anabantoids | All You Need To Know, Black orchid Betta is among the most popular and amazing pets in the world. But guppy/molly hybrids are usually sterile, unlike platy/swordtail hybrids. However, much like a horse and donkey cross produces a sterile mule, the guppy "molly" cross will more than likely produce a sterile hybrid. I have blue/green guppies, purple Moscow guppies, black and Dalmatian mollies, and neon tetras. Do not misguide people selling the new breed as the natural breed of the fish. Charles. Before I describe the fish and argue why I think it might be a hybrid, let me give you some background. they look like muppies which is a molly guppy hybrid. Ich biete 1 wunderschönes Guppy Männchen an und 2 Guppy … For molly/guppy crosses which are possible and proven, the offspring I would expect to be sterile. The reason for this appears to be that they lack the reserve of their fellow egg-layers. All You Need to Know, Is guppy and molly hybrid possible?Yes. 14 comments. Platys Die im Aquarium gepflegten Platys gehören zwei Arten an: Xiphophorus maculatus und X. variatus. If you have male and female guppies in the tank, and male and female mollies, it will be hard to cross-breed. Le Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) et le Molly (Poecilia sphenops) appartiennent tout deux à la famille des Poecilidae et peuvent donc s’hybrider. Natürlich leben sie in... VB 65451 Kelsterbach. Cory catfish love eating the worms. Report. Molies are fish that are easy to breed. 19.03.2019. She has an interest in reading as seen in the pop song: If the fish produces no fry -it most likely is either a true hybrid or a guppy with hermaphroditism. In the fish world this mainly occurs among the live-bearing species. B. des molly dans 50L c'est pas possible (il faut au moins 200L), les guppys il leur faut minimum 60/70L. Es gibt eine winzige anzahl von Berichten, wonach es Molly-Guppy Kreuzungen gab. reply. We produce them in cichlid breeding vats and offer them to our wholesale customers as feeder fish. "Muppies" or "Gollies". Until they are healthy, they can breed comfortably. There will be bad consequences on the female guppies as they may not carry the large size of the fry of the mollies. Like any other fish breed, when you find the molly is pregnant, create a good atmosphere in your aquarium. 7 years ago. So, if this fish is truly a hybrid, it’s a first hybrid for me and a rarity in being female. There have been a few rare, but unconfirmed, crosses between guppies and molly's. Liebe Tierfreunde, wir haben ständigen Zuwachs von Molly und Guppy Babys. When you are alone, definitely Betta… Read more…. A cichlid hotel used to provide cover for females, subordinates, and juveniles. Do not expect something that you cannot control. We breed most of our mouth-brooding cichlids in 300-gallon vats (see photo below), placing two to three males and up to 50 females in each vat. VB 59379 Selm. Else, the mollies or other fish may eat them. reply #30. Molly is the common name for the genus Poecilia of which guppies are a part, along with black mollies, sailfin mollies, endlers livebearers, and a handful of other species. The fry that the fish will produce would be completely different in terms of colors and size. Mike, Yes. How to hybridize guppy and molly? Yes. Nur Abholung Auch Kreuzungen mit Endler... 1 € 41334 Nettetal. Gebe einige Forellenbarsche ab.Schwimmen bei 18 Grad und sind ca.8-10 cm. they look like muppies which is a molly guppy hybrid. 25. HELP....does anyone know what's happening with my guppy, … During the pregnancy, the fish may not eat much. körper gleich wie auf diesem bild aber alles flossen grösser und gelb orange. Tausche Welse gegen Guppys. Amano shrimp is a better algae eater among other shrimps that will help you get algae under control. report. Molly is the common name for the genus Poecilia of which guppies are a part, along with black mollies, sailfin mollies, endlers livebearers, and a handful of other species. Rodrigo, Our hobby, especially the livebearer side, was built on hybrids. The same netting forms a bottom (see third photo) and four PVC legs keep the cylinder off the bottom of the vat. There are extremely rare cases of molly x guppy hybrids. Biete Guppys Babys an .sind ca zwei Wochen alt. A stressful environment keeps them in an alert mode which would be difficult for them to breed. Guppys Alle Guppys im Aquarium gehören den Arten Poecilia reticulata und P. wingei sowie deren Hybriden an. Have proper hiding space, as the mollies may look for the hiding space to relax. Charles. The… Read more…, Do Amano Shrimp Eat Algae? I picked a 40-gallon tank in which to put the fish. Anyone have any luck with guppy molly hybrids? Suche Mollys und Guppys zu verschenken. Hybrid or just a strange guppy? Parmi elles, on peut citer le guppy, le molly le guppy endler et le molly voile.Robustes, ces poissons sont connus pour leur reproduction facile et rapide. Each vat is equipped with devices we call cichlid hotels and fry cages. The subreddit for anything related to aquariums! But your molly is not guppy/molly hybrid. The fish does during the session to obtain new skin. I’ve had old female guppies become masculinized, but this fish doesn’t have the thickening of the anal fins that those had. Many of you have wonder how the guppies would look when cross-bred with the mollies. Additionally, the molly may produce an entirely different breed than what you have in your aquarium. All To Know, There is a simple answer to this question. Yes. Filed Under: Breeding, Fish, Hybrids, Live Foods Tagged With: american livebearer association, breeding, guppy, hatchery operations, livebearers, mollies, Poecilia, Poecilia mexicana, Poecilia reticulata. Joye Ferrara. 12 Things To Know. I will need to separate out the other juveniles to see if there are other hybrids with the darker guppy colouring (as there were male/female guppies breeding, so most of the offspring are guppies). One can see through the transparent scales the guppy version of a uterus. Hi Charles, Guppy Nachzuchten, Endler Guppies. You might try her w/a male molly? The breeders remain in the vats for three to four months, depending on the time of the year, before we harvest the vats. Yes, You can keep Goldfish (Carassius auratus) and koi together in the… Read more…. Mollies are capable of breeding hundreds of fry in the year. Its possible that you were mistook the "golly" for another molly fry who happened to be in the molly fry tank. But I’ve failed to produce guppy/molly hybrids despite trying many times (so-called experts can and do fail). We also place two or three fry cages in each vat. In this case, there will be female molly to breathe. The species that you hybrid would be part of the two different categories of the fish. Heute, 11:52. Since she was in the original tank w/both, I’d give her both, plus some other females (kinda to show her how it’s done) altho maybe you want to be able to ID the actual potential daddy? Platys Eine sehr attraktive und … Johnrileyhughes. Can Different Types of Molly Fish Mate (Breed)? They produce hybrid fish to sell and tell people that they are found naturally. share. I’m getting more and more reports of molly/guppy hybrids. If a molly and guppy cross, the female should be the molly since it is bigger and the fry are likely to grow too large for a female guppy to deliver. Joined Jun 17, 2008 Messages 660 Reaction score 0 Location New York, U.S. Feb 8, 2009 #4 Thanks for the great info! A hybrid is the result of two various species mating. I am Researcher in water and environmental chemistry. Muppies? So, what do you think? OP . Log in. This is because they belong to the same genus or family of fish. If you have a single gender of guppy and a single gender of molly and there are no other outlets for them to breed, then in that situation they would be likely to breed together. There are a couple of things that you have to consider when you hybrid the guppy and molly. Hallo zusammen Ich bins wieder! Neocaridina; Unsere Aquarien; Kontakt; Impressum. These fish started off as slightly orange mollies. I placed the fish in tubs outdoors for the summer. Playing next. Can anyone help me identify what's this small ball growing on my guppy's tail? Charles- Good choice to use a male guppy as a potential mate for the mystery fish. künstlicher Befruchtung welche … However, they are much more likely … This is common with hybrids. 01.02.2021. The interesting thing is that the hybrids are invariably (from what I hear) male and sterile. The fry are hybrids called gollys or muppys, not a drop of either mollies or guppies although the fry can take on one parents characteristics a bit stronger than the other. share. It is possible that the hybrid fish produced from the Guppy and mollies probably sterile. Below, in the order of possible hybrid, guppy, and P. mexicana, are photos of females for comparison purposes. ABER es ist in der Theorie** möglich da beide Molly sowie Guppy zur selben Gattung gehören ... zumal die meisten Mollys im Zoohandel eh schon Hybriden sind ist die schwelle der Kreuzbarkeit gleich nochmal abgesenkt ... ** in den 90zigern gabs mal in der DATZ einen Beitrag von Kreuzungsversuchen unter Laborbedingungen inkl. It would be best if you kept them feeding in different time zone. Guppy Neon blau (Poecilia reticulata) Nachzucht. It would be best if you were honest about what you are doing. The outcome is not from the guppies, but the previous species. If you have a single gender of guppy and a single gender of molly and there are no other outlets for them to breed, then in that situation they would be likely to breed together. At harvest, we net out the fish, inventory the breeders, harvest the juveniles, and return the breeders to the vat for another breeding cycle. A possible female guppy x Poecilia mexicana, Campeche hybrid. 11.02.2021. Molly has many skills. When they were brought in for overwintering, there was a male molly in the guppy tub and one young fry that grew into a fish larger than both suspected parent species. It is practical to breed all types of molly fish as they all are the same. So if you buy the sterile fish from the market, you will not be able to breed them in your aquarium. I’ve been breeding fish for almost a decade and learn new things … Try creating your own bred, which is entirely different. A hybrid is the result of two various species mating. Well I had some orange … The obvious guppy/mollie hybrids are blonde, both males and females maturing and look very healthy. 22 Posts . There are actually two different names for guppy and molly hybrids. They are not compatible for breeding since the two species have to be closely related to each other in order to crossbreed.You can crossbreed Mollies with Guppies and Platies with Swordtails if you want to. Again there are lots of flaws you have. Pam, K. keithp Fishaholic. 48429 Rheine. 9 years ago . While selecting guppy breeders, I noticed one large, red tailed fish, too large to be a guppy but clearly not a P. mexicana. Crossbreeding is not wrong, but you should be honest about the new breed. The last one is my Tetra tank!! 10 Würfe ausreicht, ohne, dass wieder ein Männlein beteiligt sein muss. Franky, I don't believe it. I correspond with a hobbyist who routinely produces hybrids using male mollies and female guppies. 100 Stück - 40 Euro. The reason for that is they are not compatible with each other. More info in the comments. Scuds are a small shrimp-like crustacean we raise for sale as food. A 300 gallon vat set up (minus the water) for cichlid breeding with three fry cages and various cichlid hotels. 30. Read on How Long Are Mollies Pregnant For? Search. However this is often a genetic trait as well, most likely they will all be sterile or there is a chance most of them won't. Gute Gelegenheit wer sich einen gefestigten Guppystamm zulegen möchte. The reason may be that mollies and guppies have a very large size difference. Your email address will not be published. Lg Nemo Even if you try to breed them together, they will have some serious problems during the pregnancy, and in the worst case, the female guppies may die. Required fields are marked *. If you want to breed mollies and guppies, it won’t happen. Aus meiner Hobbyzucht gebe ich Endler Ginga Rubra Guppymännchen ab. [SOLVED], Shedding is a part of their natural process. Joined Jun 20, 2008 Messages 2,000 Reaction score 0 Location Belgium . In the end, they are the product of the two different types of fish. 4) Not to keep male mollies with Guppies: What should you avoid when hybridizing mollies and guppies? People have mixed opinions about the hybrids of fish. I’ve been breeding fish for almost a decade and learn new things everyday. Guppys. It is possible to hybrid the Molly and Guppies in a specific condition. Wir verkaufen Nachzuchten unserer Molly's und Guppy's. They'll chase and try to mate with anything that will slow down for him. Female, Her body color was rosy from the dorsal and anal fin back to the caudal, a pattern not shown by female, The distance between the ventral fins and the anal fin was, like that of, She was much larger than the typical female feeder guppy just like female. 2:21 Le Guppy est un The mollies, P mexicana I think we’re fish I collected near Bonita Springs Fl. Thus a guppy can crossbreed with a molly and a swordtail can crossbreed with a platy. African Cichlids – Peacock Aquarium Strains. attention les molly se reproduisent aussi vite que les guppy! Arrange an aquarium where you provide a natural habitat for the fish to stay calm and relaxed. Einiges an Guppy Nachwuchs abzugeben in Nettetal-Lobberich. 4 guppy and 2 molly. In fact, for guppy and molly hybrids, there are two distinct names. Mar 3, 2008 #11 THe chacne of mistaking a molly … Photo: A possible Poecilia reticulata (guppy) x Poecilia mexicana, Campeche (molly) hybrid in front of a grid to show size. Many Endlers bought in pet stores are often Guppy crosses, true Endlers have … Let me know your thoughts. But guppy/molly hybrids are usually sterile, unlike platy/swordtail hybrids. Thanks. Guppys und Mollys zu verschenken SUCHE. We place two cichlid hotels in each cage. 25. I found a possible guppy/molly hybrid too. a moins que tu ne prenne des guppy endlers, plus petit mais tout aussi colorés. Panda Guppy Hybriden. Maybe she’d rather breed w/a bigger male? So: (1) It's very unlikely to happen; and (2) If you do somehow manage to get hybrid fry and to raise them to adulthood, the hybrids will be sterile.
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