Frequency 1 episode / day Since Apr 2016 Also in China Podcasts Podcast Twitter followers 210 ⋅ Domain Authority 12 ⋅ Alexa Rank 12.7M View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast Welcome to You are Booked, the podcast for literary nosy parkers who would like the chance to snoop around their favourite authors bookshelves. It is intended to interject a healthy dose of the classics into your hectic lives, a couple chapters at a time . The podcast will attempt to introduce the novice or the modern listener to the nature of India's evolution in history with a modern perspective. Basée sur la blockchain, elle promet aux réalisateurs de mieux gagner leur vie et aux contributeurs [...], La plateforme de streaming lance la WIT Animator Academy, un programme de formation de 6 mois piloté par des experts japonais de l’animation. Retrouvez également nos actualités business. I am Daisy Buchanan, your Book Inspector, and I will be asking our guests all about the first forbidden books they read under the covers, the beloved books they have borrowed, and never given back, and those impressive heavyweight hardbacks that make them look like intellectual giants even though they could not get beyond the first twenty pages. Voici nos cinq coups de cœur. Here, our picks for the top 17 love and sex podcasts of 2020. Welcome to the Top Books of Literature podcast- a place, where we discuss, review, and share our opinions on some of the greatest books ever written, and attempt to figure out the mystery of why they are as great as they are. À force d’embrouilles et de plans foireux, les deux jeunes filles vont faire leur entrée dans le monde du crime et du trafic d'animaux exotiques. Besides books, host Dennis Leap will lead discussions on other current literature such as essays and important articles. La série suit l'enquête de deux agents spéciaux dans un bled pourri d’Alaska. Hear our stories on the Hindu Gods like Ganesha, Krishna, & Lakshmi; historic figures such as Gandhi, Ambedkar & more. My name is Arjun, and I am your host for this podcast. by James L. Rubart There are a vast number of podcasts for writers—what I’ve tried to do is narrow it down to podcasts designed specifically for scribes of fiction. Nombre d’épisodes : 10 Frequency 1 episode / week Since Aug 2020 Also in Indian Literature Podcasts, Indian History Podcasts Podcast Domain Authority 1 ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast This is a collection of 20 short stories and long-form poetry from 1847 to 1922 by various American women writers. Homecoming is a psychological thriller boasting an A-list cast. Literature discussion done right! Frequency 6 episodes / month Since Dec 2020 Podcast Facebook fans 6.4K ⋅ Twitter followers 261 ⋅ Domain Authority 61 ⋅ Alexa Rank 157.8K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast HinduLit - short for Hindu Literature is a podcast on Indian Literature including legends, mythologies, history, culture, & practices in India. Véritable plongée dans l’horreur, ce podcast vaut le coup pour son ambiance sonore immersive et son histoire bien plus intéressante que la plupart des blockbusters que Marvel nous pond chaque été au cinéma. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Dec 2018 Podcast Domain Authority 37 ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast In this podcast, we will be discussing poems, novels, short stories, and plays from Latin America in English. 2019 février 21st, 2019. Publishers submit their blogs or podcasts on Feedspot using the form at the top of this page. Consultez les directement en ligne, abonnez-vous, et pourquoi pas, créez votre podcast ! Frequency 2 episodes / week Since Feb 2017 Podcast Domain Authority 89ⓘ ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, United States About Podcast CraftLit is a weekly podcast for people who love, read, and curious about classic literature Frequency 1 episode / month Since Apr 2006 Podcast Facebook fans 1.8K ⋅ Twitter followers 1.6K ⋅ Domain Authority 38ⓘ ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast Each week, Dr. Richard Benton, Fr. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Sep 2020 Podcast Domain Authority 84 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil About Podcast My name is Luciano Cabral and I'm currently a university lecturer for Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil. New episode will be out every Monday and Thursday! Vous aimez les super héros torturés et irascibles ? Cinéma, sport ou tech : on vous révèle les meilleurs podcasts français du moment. L’expérience est vraiment étonnante et vous immerge complètement dans l’histoire. Frequency 18 episodes / month Since Apr 2020 Podcast Domain Authority 84 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.8K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast Writers talk about reading. Each episode of Learning Literature with Purba is bite-sized, packed with fun facts and information on great literary works, literary devices, literary movements, and literary ages. Nombre d’épisodes : 188 California, United States About Podcast The Big Gay Fiction Podcast is for avid readers and passionate fans of gay romance fiction. The episodes are enthusiastic, candid and above all else, honest. Son actualité, ses films, ses coulisses, ses fans et son Univers Étendu : Explorez toutes les facettes de la saga et de la science-fiction au sens large. The podcast isn't limited to novels and will occasionally discuss plays by authors such as Shakespeare and Chekhov. Chaque épisode est l’occasion de raconter une histoire étrange ou fantastique se déroulant dans cette ville imaginaire. Frequency 4 episodes / week Since Oct 2017 Podcast Twitter followers 2K ⋅ Domain Authority 93 ⋅ Alexa Rank 123 View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast Just the Best Literature inspires you to not only read printed books, but to read only the best books. We'll relish the most moving art ever committed to the page and stage from every age. New episodes released every other Thursday. Let’s look at the pros and cons of some of the best French learning podcasts. Homecoming. Provocative poems, evocative epics, and life-changing literary analyses. is the perfect fix for if your style of sci-fi is less doom and gloom, more goofy hijinks. France Podcasts : site de ressources pour préparer les examens de DELF/DALF, TCF, étudier la grammaire ou la phonétique du français. Do you want more traffic, leads, and sales? Feedspot has over 100k Influential Bloggers database classified in more than 1500 niche categories. Vous trouvez les fictions auditives trop graves ou trop angoissantes ? Voilà les six meilleurs podcasts de fiction immersive. In each episode, Frank Lavallo hosts two readers and the three of them give their reactions to the story and read their favorite passages along the way. Join host Jon Menaster as he conducts an in-depth interview with an author to understand a book. Lit Class is a semi-educational comedy literature podcast hosted by Megan and RJ, two bitter English grads who are here to tell you all the weird and sexy things you never knew about the books you had to read in school. Not looking for a long series that you’ll need to listen to in … On Tuesdays, Fr. Podcast du Québec; Tous les Podcasts (1760) Productions Podcasse (19) Podcasteur (4) CISM 89,3 FM (12) CHOQ.CA (41) Yoink! Marc Boulos and guests discuss the content of the Bible as literature. Pour une immersion totale, le port du casque est hautement recommandé. You'll hear works of creepy fiction from the likes of Lovecraft, Poe and Saki as well as horror stories from … Ranking is based on relevancy, blog post frequency(freshness), social metrics, domain authority, traffic and many other parameters. Fiction Podcast Weekly is an email newsletter, bringing you the latest from the world of audio fiction, audio drama, and sound storytelling. Frequency 1 episode / quarter Since Jul 2020 Podcast Twitter followers 2.6K ⋅ Domain Authority 72 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.4K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, London, England, United Kingdom About Podcast The Guardian Books podcast is our weekly look at the world of books, poetry and great writing presented by Claire Armitstead, Richard Lea, & Sian Cain. Retrouvez ici les podcasts présentés sous forme d'histoires ou de fictions. Alors que les habitants pauvres de la surface meurent à petit feu à cause du manque d’oxygène (sans arbres, pas d’air respirable), les puissants se cachent sous la surface, et tentent de mater la révolte qui gronde. Welcome to the Learning Literature with Purba podcast. We to talk to fellow writers of literary fiction about their process and, since we started in 2018, we've spoken to everyone from winners of the Nobel prize, Prix Goncourt, Leipziger Buchmesse, and Man Booker International prize to debut novelists and short story writers. Mais la thématique est complètement différente puisqu'on se retrouve en pleine science-fiction post-apocalyptique aquatique. Frequency 1 episode / quarter Podcast Twitter followers 851 ⋅ Domain Authority 14 ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast A podcast about literature and history. Are you involved in the medium in any way? Frequency 1 episode / week Since Dec 2014 Also in New York Times Podcasts Podcast Twitter followers 49.3M ⋅ Social Engagement 10 ⋅ Domain Authority 95 ⋅ Alexa Rank 79 View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, United States About Podcast AudioShelf is a weekly book review podcast for lovers of all things literature. Every week Linnea Hartsuyker, Jessica Hatch, Manik Hinchey, and Reidan Fredstrom read a piece of literature and discuss its literary merits and historical context. If you enjoy deep dives into the greatest books ever written, you will love Hardcore Literature. Frequency 1 episode / month Since Aug 2016 Podcast novelconversations.fpp.libsy.. Facebook fans 446 ⋅ Twitter followers 1K ⋅ Social Engagement 47 ⋅ Domain Authority 62 ⋅ Alexa Rank 277K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, Manhattan, New York, United States About Podcast A new podcast where today's finest writers read the work that matters to them - from their homes to yours. We also feature special guests, including the authors themselves. The Fiction Podcast Weekly. The author, who was a professor at Knox College, really put a lot into this, combining national history with his love for literature. Frequency 2 episodes / week Since Oct 2019 Podcast Twitter followers 130 ⋅ Domain Authority 4 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.8K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, Kolkata, West Bengal, India About Podcast Hi! Join us for a new way of looking at literature. Create Combine RSS Feeds From Multiple Sources. Apprendre le français (FLE) gratuitement. Au passage je rajoute Empoisonnées (une enquête façon "true crime") et Roy (une uchronie superbement écrite), Mogul Productions, qui se présente comme une « plateforme de financement décentralisé du cinéma », vient d’annoncer son lancement. Toutes les fictions et séries audio de France Culture en version noire et anticipation. Frequency 2 episodes / week Since Aug 2020 Podcast Domain Authority 84 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast A podcast about Literature and Leftism! Frequency 1 episode / month Podcast Facebook fans 522 ⋅ Twitter followers 1.4K ⋅ Domain Authority 21 ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia About Podcast Words and Nerds Podcast is an entertaining and conversational podcast that aims to get inside a writer's mind. They'll discuss new works of literature, common topics across Asian American literature and more. SAYER is a narrative fiction podcast set on Earth’s man-made second moon, Typhon. Words and Nerds: Authors, books and literature. Frequency 1 episode / month Since Sep 2016 Podcast Twitter followers 338 ⋅ Domain Authority 19 ⋅ Alexa Rank 5M View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, California, United States About Podcast This podcast is an introduction to Anglophone literature, from ancient times to the present, done by a Ph.D. with lots of books and musical instruments. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Oct 2017 Also in Writing Podcasts Podcast Facebook fans 36K ⋅ Twitter followers 21.3K ⋅ Domain Authority 20 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.6K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, Lakewood, Ohio, United States About Podcast Novel Conversations is a podcast summarizing the world's greatest works of classic literature, in 35 minutes you get the whole story from cover to cover. Didion, Hawthorne, and the In-Between (DH&I), AAWW Radio | New Asian American Writers & Literature, Student's History of American Literature by William Simonds, Spirit of American Literature by John Albert Macy, HinduLit | A Podcast On Indian Literature Including Legends, Mythologies, & History, A Brief History of English and American Literature, American Literature Association Conversations, The Readist - A Classic Literature Podcast, Spirit of American Literature by John Albert Macy. Understanding literary works, themes, authors and more from a Left perspective! Each day's offering is five minutes long and contains 'on this day in history' information as well as an accessible poem. Hosted by Tod Goldberg, Julia Pistell, and Rider Strong. Doing blogger outreach or influencer marketing and want to connect with new influencers in niche markets? Although at times biased and sometimes misguided, his research is sound and his criticism is interesting and quite often very balanced. There So Many Podcasts Out These Days, It's Hard To Keep Up — Until Now! Frequency 1 episode / week Since Jan 2018 Podcast Twitter followers 28 ⋅ Domain Authority 10 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.8K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast Interviews with Writers about their New Books. Media (5) Puissance Maximale (6) Première Plus (29) Magnéto (5) QUB Radio (17) CJMD 96,9 FM (40) Romeo Podcasts (6) Mon prince viendra à la mer est  l'autofiction bidonnante d’une célibataire endurcie qui vient passer ses vacances avec sa soeur et ses neveux. Frequency 4 episodes / quarter Since Feb 2017 Podcast Twitter followers 1.8K ⋅ Domain Authority 22 ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, Eugene, Oregon, United States About Podcast Bringing the Middle Kingdom to You One Chat at a Time. Comme pour Hasta Dente, L’appel des abysses propose une fiction immersive avec un son spatialisé et des acteurs parfaits. Voilà les six meilleurs podcasts de fiction immersive. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Jan 2021 Podcast irritablebooksyndrome.buzzsp.. Twitter followers 5 ⋅ Domain Authority 72 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.5K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast A series of lectures and thoughts on American culture, identity, and literary expression, delivered in support of the American Literature I Survey at Temple College. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, Top 5 Agile Marketing Blogs & News Websites To Follow in 2021, Top 5 Renewable Energy Magazines & Publications To Follow in 2021, American Writers (One Hundred Pages at a Time), CraftLit | Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers. Paul Tarazi presents an in-depth analysis of the biblical text in the original languages. In addition, the last chapter of each part is Hurst's synopsis of religious and theological literature in the language. Frequency 1 episode / day Since Mar 2020 Podcast Twitter followers 5.4K ⋅ Domain Authority 8 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.5K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, El Paso, Texas, United States About Podcast From the Humanities Collaborative at EPCC-UTEP & the Papagayo Project, this podcast dissects culturally-relevant literature: novels, memoirs, poetry, comics, zines, & short stories. Frequency 1 episode / month Since Feb 2016 Podcast Facebook fans 2.1K ⋅ Twitter followers 2.2K ⋅ Social Engagement 105 ⋅ Domain Authority 14 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.6K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast A podcast exploring all aspects of a life cultivated by books and stories. StarTripper!! We will often be reading Brandon Sanderson and the Cosmere, Brent Weeks, Stephen King, Robert Jordan, and many more. New episodes release every other week. Score A book’s total score is based on multiple factors, including the number of people who have voted for it and how highly those voters ranked the book. Hyperdrive est un podcast Star Wars et science-fiction français 100% dédié à la saga ! In each episode, philosopher Wes Alwan and poet Erin O'Luanaigh explore life's big questions by conducting a close reading of a text or film and co-writing an audio essay about it in real-time. Podcasts are very à la mode these days, which means you can find at least one covering just about any subject imaginable.Luckily, that includes learning French. David-Julien Rahmil. Langue anglaise. À écouter ici Join us on the reading adventure of a lifetime. Browse a wide selection of free Fiction podcasts and start listening today. I am an English Literature educator, author, blogger, and content developer from Kolkata, India. Bienvenue sur Podcast Science, le podcast francophone qui fait aimer la science sans prise de tête, chaque semaine depuis septembre 2010 (ISSN 2271-670X). Dans cette série policière, on suit l'enquête loufoque de Matteo Razzoni et Karim Meziani, deux flics d’une petite ville qui poursuivent un fanatique du pastafarisme (une fausse religion ayant pour dieu un monstre géant fait de spaghettis et de boulettes de viande). Whether You're Into Creepy Mysteries Or Historical Fiction, We Have The Best Fiction Podcasts … My name is Purba Chakraborty. You can listen to the shows in any order, although from time to time, episodes will make brief mention of previous or upcoming ones. Le podcast L’appel des abysses. … Les experts métiers vous livrent les clefs de leur savoir-faire. Frequency 1 episode / week Podcast Facebook fans 1.1M ⋅ Twitter followers 325.8K ⋅ Instagram Followers 33K ⋅ Domain Authority 89 ⋅ Alexa Rank 7.2K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast A podcast that underscores the relevancy of literature in the 21st Century through analysis and discussion. 25 secteurs clés décryptés en 350 pages, Le collectif des Nouveaux Mutants, avec les acteurs du changement, Vivez une expérience de création unique en lien avec les grands thèmes portés par l’ADN, Accompagnez votre entreprise par le récit (conférences, création de médias de marque…), Transformez le business model de votre entreprise en 200 jours, Développez votre agence avec notre base de données annonceurs Doc Marketing, Formez vous aux enjeux de l’époque avec nos formations pro (Sup de Pub), Communication Développement Durable / RSE, Cinq podcasts d'investigation que vous allez binger, Les podcasts de la tech et du numérique dont vous ne pourrez plus vous passer, Confinement : cinq podcasts d'investigation que vous allez binger. This collection of poems serves as a vehicle for Whitman's philosophy, ideals, love of nature, and mystical musings and it subsequently became one of the cornerstones of American literature. No lie, the only reason … 2020’s Best Erotic Sex Podcasts to Download Right Now – SheKnows These podcasts will get you in … Each show lasts roughly thirty minutes and features a different guest who discusses a chosen classic. Attention les oreilles, France Culture est dans la place ! Accueil » Toutes les thématiques « On se lasse de tout, sauf de comprendre. Frequency 1 episode / day Since Jan 2014 Podcast Twitter followers 254 ⋅ Domain Authority 56ⓘ ⋅ Alexa Rank 36.9Kⓘ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States About Podcast A weekly podcast about books, writing, reading, and raccoons. If you’re looking for a realistic fiction story you can get through in an afternoon and … Fictions : retrouvez toute l'actualité, nos dossiers et nos émissions sur France Culture, le site de la chaîne des savoirs et de la création. We will narrate stories, literature, & history specifically from India or about Indians. Hosted by Dina Del Bucchia and Jen Sookfong Lee. Frequency 6 episodes / month Since Dec 2020 Podcast Twitter followers 261 ⋅ Domain Authority 61 ⋅ Alexa Rank 157.8K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, Claremont, California, United States About Podcast A broadcast in the Inland Valley featuring book-related news and event announcements from around the valley, interviews with local literary figures, readings, storytelling, and all manner of literary works. Feedspot has a team of over 25 experts whose goal is to rank blogs, podcasts and youtube channels in several niche categories. À mi-chemin entre la série de la 4e dimension et Twin Peaks, Welcome to Nightvale est l’un des podcasts les plus téléchargés d’iTunes. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Sep 2019 Podcast Twitter followers 585 ⋅ Domain Authority 84 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast Welcome to your new favorite book club. Join us, read with us, and get involved in the discussion! Frequency 1 episode / week Since Feb 2020 Podcast Twitter followers 174 ⋅ Social Engagement 7 ⋅ Domain Authority 11 ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass continues to inspire, enthrall and educate generations of readers. Enregistrer mon nom, mon e-mail et mon site web dans le navigateur pour mon prochain commentaire. Voilà les six meilleurs podcasts de fiction immersive, Les meilleurs concepts de la nouvelle économie, sur le web, et en format revue, Le Livre des Tendances 2020. Comment s’en prémunir en entreprise ? We, The Shoutouts, from Lyket Entertainment, have a book club discussion on our favorite fantasy and sci-fi literature with select wine, beer, ale, and rum. Consultez les programmes à venir et abonnez-vous au podcast ! We like books, we like fantasy, we like sci-fi, we like craft drinks, and we love shenanigans! Des centaines d'exercices avec des dialogues, du vocabulaire, de la grammaire, de la conjugaison. The eponymous SAYER is a highly advanced, self-aware AI created to help acclimate new residents to their new lives, and their new employment with Ærolith Dynamics. Read content from different sources in one place. Our expert editorial team reviews and adds them to a relevant category list. Whether that's as a writer, producer, voice actor, curator, or even just a hardcore listener who loves the ‘behind the scenes' stuff. This podcast debates American Literature and American Culture. Alors Wolverine, the long night est pour vous. Join Jonathan Sims as he explores the archive, but be be warned, as he looks into its depths something starts to look back… Frequency 2 episodes / month Since Jul 2020 Podcast Twitter followers 261 ⋅ Social Engagement 23 ⋅ Domain Authority 4 ⋅ View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast The Spirit of American Literature is a collection of essays reviewing contemporary authors on the literary scene at the turn of the century and assessing the uniquely American characteristics of their growing body of work. Email us us the type of bloggers you want to reach out at Improve your outreach by connecting with authority bloggers in your domain area. Blogs, RSS, Youtube channels, Podcast, Magazines, etc. Après une montée du niveau de la mer qui a tout noyé, une poche de survivants tente tant bien que mal de maintenir un semblant de civilisation sur une plateforme flottante. Big Gay Fiction Podcast. Comme pour certaines vidéos ASMR, le son semble venir de devant, de derrière ou des côtés et à différentes distances. En effet, ce format audio est de plus en plus populaire. Combine multiples newsletters into one daily/weekly newsletter. Frequency 3 episodes / quarter Since Sep 2020 Podcast Domain Authority 84 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.8K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, Bratislava, Bratislavsky Kraj, Slovakia About Podcast Three friends having fun reading badly written literature. Winner of a 2015 Philadelphia Geek Award for Best Streaming Media Project. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Jul 2020 Podcast Domain Authority 52 ⋅ Alexa Rank 257.4K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast A monthly podcast on all things Canadian and literature. Monitor your product name, brand, competitors, keywords, authors, or any other topics. We discuss books, the social and political influences of a writer's work, and how literature has the power to change the world. Des histoires à écouter en ligne et en podcast, pour les amateurs d’œuvres fantastiques, de polars et de livres de science-fiction. We routinely remove inactive blogs and those which are no longer relevant to a given list. Frequency 3 episodes / month Since Feb 2019 Podcast Domain Authority 5 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.5K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast Engaging history of American Lit from the 1600's up through the late 1890's. We don't just read the great books - we live them. A weekly horror fiction podcast examining what lurks in the archives of the Magnus Institute, an organisation dedicated to researching the esoteric and the weird. Easiest way to add dynamic and fresh content on your website. You don't need to read the books to enjoy the show! We want to share conversations about the nitty-gritty of writing fiction and explore what makes fiction 'real'. Brioude Internet et Klépierre Brand Ventures, Oubliez Netflix ! Customize it. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Oct 2018 Podcast Twitter followers 876 ⋅ Domain Authority 75 ⋅ Alexa Rank 24.2K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, Brooklyn, New York, United States About Podcast Follow Read Learn Live Podcast to improve yourself through literature. Frequency 1 episode / day Since Jan 2021 Podcast Domain Authority 84 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.8K View Latest Episodes ⋅ Get Email Contact, About Podcast The American Literature Association, a coalition of societies devoted to the study of American authors, gathers leading scholars and teachers of American literature for compelling roundtable discussions of the pressing issues that define the discipline today. Hosted by Mike Ingram and Tom McAllister, editors at Barrelhouse Magazine and authors of fiction and creative nonfiction. Le narrateur, incarné par Cecil Baldwin est le présentateur d’une petite radio locale. Entre babysitting irresponsable, plan cul sur des applications de rencontres et drague sur la plage, ce podcast est une vraie pépite d’humour et de bonne humeur.
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